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Comment Re:The perception of "drone" is powerful (Score 0) 272

I don't care about your excuses. I think you should be banned from flying over a property if the property owner deems he doesn't want you flying over his property, and further, I think a property owner should have the right to shoot your toy out of the sky and send you a bill for the bullet. I'd actually make it a criminal charge with a minimum $50,000 fine. I'd make it so expensive and difficult for you to play with your little kiddy toys over my property that you'd finally just go fucking home.

Self entitled assholes like you have made it clear the only way to deal with drones is to make it so damaging for assholes like you to even fly one that you find some other toys to play with

Comment Re:Yep (Score 5, Insightful) 272

Sooner or later it's going to happen elsewhere. The extraordinary lack of etiquette and basic decency among some drone owners is steadily going to make the public outcry to do something about the problem greater and greater.

Stop flying your fucking toys over my fucking property.

Comment Re:Intercourse. (Score 1) 103

The Beringia hypothesis has the advantage of not invoking a paleolithic ship construction industry. I know this is all very romantic, but for the moment, there is little evidence beyond some chicken bones that even Polynesians, within the 1,300 to 1,500 years (the settlement date of Easter Island) made it in any significant numbers. The simplest explanation is that multiple groups, some with different genetic heritages, went across the land bridge, some basically settling there until the end of the glacial maximum, and others possibly coming later. Multiple waves don't require multiple routes.

Comment Re:Intercourse. (Score 1) 103

For the moment, I think we need to point to the simplest hypothesis, which is these genes were present in at least of the proto-Indian populations that went over the land bridge. That's not to exclude the possibility of new evidence pointing towards some sort of trans-Pacific input into the Americas, but the evidence, as small a body as it is, simply does not support that conclusion. More studies will be needed to determine if there are other loci for these genes, in the hopes of establishing at least the rudiments of a migration pattern.

Comment Re:Sample is not large enough (Score 2) 103

More samples is good, but I question your statement that the sample size in question isn't large enough. The fact is that the DNA is present, it shows a link to a previously unknown Asian progenitor population, a population that also bequeathed their DNA to some south Asian populations and to indigenous Australians. Better sampling may identify other areas of the Americas where these genes ended up, which would help understand migration patterns not only from Asia to the Americas, but also within the Americas themselves.

Comment Re:Why should this be funded? (Score 4, Insightful) 103

That you're imagination is so limited should not reflect on science's need for basic research. Unless you have a crystal ball that accurately reports what basic research taking place now is going to blossom into value further down the road, all you have is a pretty goddamned mindless anti-intellectual rant.

Comment Re:Intercourse. (Score 4, Insightful) 103

My understanding is not that an Austro-Melanesian population contributed to American Indian DNA, but rather that some progenitor population in Asia bequeathed their DNA to both groups. This puts a somewhat different hide on the cat, underlining that the Paleo-Indians were not a homogeneous Siberian population, but rather themselves were descended from a patchwork of groups in Asia who entered and likely interbred for centuries in Beringia.

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