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Comment Re:I prefer origins to be mysterious (Score 1) 242

I've heard more than a few people here in Sweden wonder if the average Hollywood movie could be an indication of there being some truth behind the "dumb american" stereotype...

Strangely enough, here in the US, I haven't heard anyone at all wonder anything at all about what the average Swedish movie indicates... because they haven't seen one. It's almost as if those brilliant Swedish filmmakers cannot attract a global audience.

Comment Re:Regulate both sides please (Score 1) 63

Actually, Zynga pays out $0 no matter how many chips you have. These are the makers of Farmville we're talking about. Just like you can buy cows from them with real money and can't sell them back more cows for more money, you can buy poker chips from them with real money and can't sell them back more chips for more money.

Why do people buy play money chips? I don't know, why do people buy virtual cows? (OK, I do know the answer: e-peen)

Comment Arms Race (Score 2) 241

Any coaches not already using computers to help with their strategy are doing themselves a huge disservice. I'm sure they are already crunching all the statistics they have, like how often a 4th down conversion works and using that to help with strategy.

However, I'm not sure this microchip does anything that anybody is interested in. It probably costs a fortune too, and they're putting it in a ball that's going to get knocked around? I'm sure the NBA is not sold on paying a lot of money to find out, as the article mentions, whether Johnny is 14% more dominant with his right hand than his left. And useful stats like "Time of Possession" will still have to be done by a human.

In fact, I can't think of a single stat important enough for a microchip in a ball to transmit in real time, and even if it was, it transmits to BOTH coaches. It's in the ball, so it creates somewhat of an arms race and just creates more information and work for the coaches to consider.

Comment Buzz (Score 1) 368

How do we make sure we can access or backup those files in case Zuckerberg decides to sell out to Google or Microsoft and they do away with everyone's profiles?

Just use Google Buzz instead, Google already owns that.

Comment Too much budget (Score 1) 771

Watchmen actually grossed a lot of money. They just spent too much making it. "It was the sixth highest grossing R-rated film of 2009" according to Wikipedia. It killed 'R'-rated expensive movies, not necessarily 'R'-rated fantasy movies. For example, District 9 made a lot of money because of its small budget.

Comment Re:Waton's Wagering and HAL 9000 (Score 1) 674

It seemed from the behavior of Jennings realized that Watson had won given the easy nature of the question.

Jennings realized that Watson had won, but not due to the easy nature of the final Jeopardy question. Watson already had the game won before Final Jeopardy. Had Ken doubled his score with his wager and Watson got Final Jeopardy wrong, Watson still would have won by $1.

Comment Gosh (Score 2) 293

What a wishy-washy summary. It's not like you have anything better to do tonight than watch Jeopardy, is it?

Speaking of which, it seems like *I* was supposed to buy or do something tonight... now what was it...

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