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Comment Re:There are some... er, limits: (Score 4, Interesting) 135

But long before that happens the question is if the laser can remain a laser.

A laser needs some kind of nonlinearity in the medium. Any nonlinearity introduces a scale. So the real question is: At which power does of-resonant driving cause transitions (e.g. Landau-Zener) or of-resonant shifts (Stark shift) and can you actually theoretically contruct a medium which fulfills the criteria to serve as a lasing medium for an arbitrary large scale of power?

As a starting point for an examination of such questions i recomment the Quantum Optics Toolbox for Matlab by Sze Tan.

Comment Re:I use Ubuntu (Score 1) 55

I used Ubuntu (from 2006-2012). I used debian before and i use debian now. I could not agree more with you. What made me move away was that they stopped focusing on "Ubuntu for Computers".

When Ubuntu started, they made "Debian" + "whatever it takes to get it running without pain". That was great.

Then they continued to make small improvements which greatly improved usability (which was definitly great). I think the best releases where around 2010. Consistent, reliable, and yet compatible with most other FOS.

Then they started to push their own shit (Ubuntu one could, Unity etc.) and most of it before it was ready. They stopped focusing on fixing annoying bugs (like, problems with hibernation).

I waited for two upgrades, then i switched back to debian. Now the things which work do work consitently and all functions which are mandatory work.

Comment Market theory (Score 3, Interesting) 331

A market works best if all sides have the same access to knowledge. Prior to the Internet there was no big market for "i have a room which is dont use" because exchanging information was too expensive.

However, it was not at all unusual on the countryside to just put up a sign if you had a room to rent. I remember bicycle trips where we just stopped at some farm and asked and got a room there.

What is new is that you can plan this.

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