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Hardware Hacking

Building a Telegraph Using Only Stone Age Materials 238

MMBK writes "It's the ultimate salvagepunk experiment, building a telegraph out of things found in the woods. From the article: 'During the summer of 2009, artist Jamie O’Shea of the organization Substitute Materials set out to test whether or not electronic communication could have been built at any time in history with the proper knowledge, and with only tools and materials found in the wilderness of New Jersey.'"

Comment write simple user scenarios/stories (Score 1) 396

Step 1 - Write a small story on how the user will use the software.
Step 2 - Execute the steps in the story.
Step 3 - Find defects. Resolve them
Step 4 - Repeat and rinse.
Step 5 Helps document your system for future use

E.g. (for a simple UI driven system. Might not work for all types of software)
Step 1. John clicks on profile page
Step 2. John changes address
Step 3. John changes email ID
Step 4. John saves profile.
Step 5. New address and email ID is saved in database and displays on screen.

Comment In other news... (Score 1) 289

Insurance companies are calling for a levy on city councils to compensate for claims from thefts in cities. They are arguing that since cities provide the infrastructure where thefts happen, they should pay for it. They claim that New York has agreed to pay 50 billion dollars a year for various criminal acts being engaged in by criminals in the city.

Comment Paying customers - pay more!! (Score 1) 462

Looks like he is suggesting that paying customers be made to pay more while restricting non paying customers from playing the game. That is the only way revenues can increase. But collect more money in small amounts rather than one large transaction.

I am not sure this will "convert" non paying customers to paying customers.

The piracy argument cannot be confused with more revenues. There are arguments for piracy (not me) that it increases the exposure to the game and actually leads to more revenues. If more of your friends are playing pirated Quake, some of you will buy it.

Comment Commercial software WITH source code (Score 3, Informative) 357

Many commercial software developers provide their software along with the source code. But they do not qualify as "open source". If there is a restriction on forking the source code or maintaining it yourself, it is not open source.

"Open Source" Software is different from "Source Available" software.

Comment It happens everywhere (Score 1) 145

How is hiring pretty looking hostesses any different than this. I hear that some companies in the US prefer people with blonde hair and white skin to be their representatives, especially public representatives. If that isnt face what is? Sometimes event organizers "rent" pretty looking models as ushers for their events. So everyone around the world uses 'pretty faces' (depends on what you mean by pretty) to show a different "face" to the world.


Ubuntu's "Lucid Lynx" Enters Beta 366

ActionDesignStudios writes "The upcoming release of Ubuntu, titled 'Lucid Lynx,' has just entered the beta cycle. Alongside the usual desktop and server versions, a special version has been released that is designed to run on Amazon's EC2 cloud service. This release of Ubuntu does away with the brown 'Human' Gnome theme we've all become accustomed to, replaced by a new version Canonical says is inspired by light. The new release also includes much better integration with social networking services such as Twitter, and Facebook, among others."

Piezo Crystals Harness Sound To Generate Hydrogen 187

MikeChino writes "Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have discovered that a mix of zinc oxide crystals, water, and noise pollution can efficiently produce hydrogen without the need for a dirty catalyst like oil. To generate the clean hydrogen, researchers produced a new type of zinc oxide crystals that absorb vibrations when placed in water. The vibrations cause the crystals to develop areas with strong positive and negative charges — a reaction that rips the surrounding water molecules and releases hydrogen and oxygen. The mechanism, dubbed the piezoelectrochemical effect, converts 18% of energy from vibrations into hydrogen gas (compared to 10% from conventional piezoelectric materials), and since any vibration can produce the effect, the system could one day be used to generate power from anything that produces noise — cars whizzing by on the highway, crashing waves in the ocean, or planes landing at an airport."

Seinfeld's Good Samaritan Law Now Reality? Screenshot-sm 735

e3m4n writes "The fictitious 'good samaritan' law from the final episode of Seinfeld (the one that landed them in jail for a year) appears to be headed toward reality for California residents after the house passed this bill. There are some differences, such as direct action is not required, but the concept of guilt by association for not doing the right thing is still on the face of the bill."
The Almighty Buck

Forrester Says Tech Downturn Is "Unofficially Over" 130

alphadogg writes "The US IT market will grow by 6.6% as high-tech spending rebounds in 2010, according to Forrester Research's latest estimates. The research firm based its projections on data reported for 2009, though its fourth quarter numbers are incomplete. Forrester says hints of a recovery surfaced in the third quarter, and now the company expects the global IT market to grow by 8.1% in 2010. Forrester's US and Global IT Market Outlook: Q4 2009 reads: 'The tech downturn of 2008 and 2009 is unofficially over, while the Q3 2009 data for the US and the global market showed continued declines in tech purchases (as we expected). We predict that the Q4 2009 data will show a small increase in buying activity, or at worst, just a small decline.'"

Comment We are asking the same in India (Score 2, Insightful) 292

India invests a lot of money in training grad students in the prestigious IITs (premier engineering colleges in India). 50% plus students travel to US, do their MS/PhD and work in the US and become US citizens eventually. We call this "brain drain" in India. We will be glad if the "reverse brain drain" helps us regain some of the losses.

As a leader, it is the responsibility of a country like US to help everyone grow. If the US does not demonstrate leadership traits, someone else will. Leadership is not simply about more money/resources/power. It is about being a "leader" and behaving like one.

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