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Comment Verizon (Score 1) 5

As they are rolling out fiber they are disconnecting the copper from people's homes. Copper will stick around for a while for the reasons you mention, but it certainly is being depreciated. If I were him I would look into getting into work that is going to be here in 15 years. I wouldn't bet on ISDN still being around then.

Comment Re:java is shit (Score 1) 226

Have you ever used OS/2? Under a full load, even constantly swapping, it would be very responsive. Rarely did the UI feel like it was lagging. Compare to my windows 7 laptop. Under massive swap or a heavy load sometimes it takes ages just to get the interface to respond so I can switch a task or dial down priority and make the system usable again. That I have to manually turn down the priority of applications that slow my system to a crawl so other tasks can run says a lot about how much windows fails on multitasking compared to better operating systems. I like windows 7, but when I think back to OS/2, I still yearn for something that is as responsive.

Comment Re: java is shit (Score 1) 226

I agree with you. The real issue is that a PC has a much narrower bus to move all of that data around. You can throw all the cores in the world in one box, and something like a modern mainframe will still stomp it because it is so much more massively parallel.

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