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Comment Game subscriptions (Score 1) 281

I don't have an iPhone. I have an almost-luddite Samsung phone. When I had a Sprint PCS no-frills cell phone, many games had monthly subscriptions. I found that to be annoying. I found it annoying when I switched phones, several games I already paid for(no subs, just a 1-time fee) couldn't be played on my newer phone.

Maybe just 1 cell platform for games isn't such a bad idea.

Comment Please no zig zag stuff (Score 1) 1124

Tell me if this has happened to you.

You have numerous bookmarks in several folders deep. Maybe you want to keep nice & neat with your subjects & the like. So you drag & drop some bookmarks here & there. If you "miss" the drop, you have to navigate through the bookmark folders AGAIN and drop carefully. It gets a bit annoying you are trying to drag & drop a bookmark to an empty folder, where there's nothing for it to pop out.

Okay, firefox is not so bad.

Chrome's UI in general is just too slimmed down to be useful, and I slow down pretty badly. I just dun like zig zag actions, missing & having to start over. Later versions of IE are terrible with this.

Comment Re:I've been recycling computer cases for YEARS. (Score 3, Insightful) 329

I remember playing Tribes 2 on my AMD system many moons ago. It kept locking up about 12 minutes in due to overheating. Finally switched over to an AMD-approved case, and the overheating problems went away. While it would have been nice to keep an old case & keep putting better systems inside, I had no choice on that one.

I don't miss the old AT cases where to access anything inside meant having to unbolt the side-top-side u-shaped cover. The switch to individual removable sides was a good one.

Comment Re:Why just words? (Score 1) 138

I admit, I'm great with a standard QWERTY keyboard, but when it comes to remote controls for cable boxes/vcrs, etc, I slow down to a crawl. Perhaps it's just what you are used to. I almost never look at my keyboard(maybe for typing in tough passwords), but for my VCR remote control(infrequently used), it's a bit more difficult.

Comment Re:Almost competing (Score 1) 706

To be fair what normally comes with Linux, not everyone knows PHP, Python, etc. So most of the time(aside from installing other people's scripts), said compilers are of no use to Joe User. I know Ubuntu installed a Palm OS sync tool without me asking, and I don't even own a working Handspring anymore. There's quite a few things that come with a linux distro that to a non-developer, serve no purpose.

Comment Re:Where's Technic? (Score 1) 193

I'm 33 years old. My mom hid my christmas present from me in the house, which was the 8880 super car. I was 18 at the time, working on my first real car. I do miss hard core Technic. Gears, axels, levers and such are quite educational to a future mechanical engineer.

Comment Re:Funny thing (Score 2) 233

The Adobe Flash plug-in was terrible. I had to use it when I was testing a SVG drawing ap. One problem noted was that nothing showed up until it was entirely loaded. For larger images, this was frustrating, as it made it slower than Flash.

I wish SVG would have taken off, but sadly, it didn't.

Comment Book about this (Score 1) 96

I read the book "Author Unknown" which talked about this for the forensic side. It was only an okay book. Here's how I would do it.
1. Inconsistently spell things wrong. Misspell a word one way, then down a few paragraphs, misspell it another way.
2. Type in all caps. All capitalization errors you might normally make goes away.
3. Don't use your regional sayings for things. Use some other region's, or use all of them.
4. Run it back & forth with translation services to really obfuscate it.

easy peasy.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 115

I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work. You would just need the spherical surface to have enough universal contacts so it can touch all neighboring spheres. Inside said sphere is your CPU, Capsela piece, or whatever. I'm sure some college is doing that for a fun project. Ball pit computing.

Comment Re:Full refund (Score 1) 318

Then what is the difference between someone selling a full pc(with or without windows) and a pre-assembled set of hardware(mobo, case, video card, etc)? You don't have to buy Windows if you buy just one component, but why for all of them?

I wonder if there's some loophole where a PC maker sells you a whole PC minus the video card insatlled, you install the video card and avoid the MS tax. I know there's some tax loophole automakers(USA automakers selling to foreign countries) had where they ship almost-assembled vehicles & do the final assembly there.

Comment authentication (Score 0) 543

So the bottom line is, just because someone calls your business, doesn't mean they aren't in higher authority,etc or in charge of some security company. Sadly, we are gullible by nature. Sure, it may seem extreme that a guy on the other end tells you to smash the windows & set off the alarms, but better safe than sorry.

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