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Comment Those are 2nd-tier solutions. (Score 1) 362

Various motherboard vendors already cater to the BYO crowd

Portable devices from traditionally locked down platforms don't really have that option. For those that do exist, they're usually built with older/low-end parts.

Plus that young student could run Linux in a VM on the locked down Windows box

That doesn't help when the issue requires direct hardware access.

Or they could hack around on some non-PC device like a Raspberry Pi.

See my first point. The Raspberry Pi is a 2nd-tier device that has still-unresolved USB issues.

Comment Re:Perhaps he sees the writing on the wall in Russ (Score 1) 671

I think if he had that in the hands of 3 to 8 trusted individuals the CIA would have agents surrounding him ready to take a bullet. He'd be safer than the president.

The more realistic scenario is that the individuals tasked with bringing him in or taking him (or any misguided "journalists") out would receive that kind of protection and more.

Perhaps some good citizens would be more than happy to call his bluff and ensure that national security gets taken seriously.

Comment Before condeming, that includes RTW as well (Score 1) 98

Staffing agencies and other forms of contingent employment operate in a manner not unlike labor unions. Unfortunately, it is still possible for a job to require you to sign with one instead of going direct, which RTW prevents with labor unions. With that in mind, applying labor laws to contingent employment, especially RTW, would replace the benefit-dodging incentive with a benefit-providing one.

Comment Exception, not rule. (Score 1) 98

I've only had good experience with staffing agencies.

That's a rarer bird than a good full-time job. Realistically, the only enitity that has any good experience is the agency itself.

Because it's easy for them to let you go, that means they're also more willing to take risks in hiring you. I was able to get a job really fast right out of college with one, which helped establish my new skill set. Few people want to permanently hire somebody with a degree and no experience because it's too easy to find somebody who is a dud, even if they have a 4.0 GPA like I did.

This is a bigger reason why staffing agencies should be subject to the same laws as labor unions - even if it means that joining a staffing agency isn't a condition for accepting work at a given organization. If it really is about "flexibility" and not benefit-dodging "disposability", then they would welcome the challenge of competing with better forms of work.

The IT/tech world doesn't take well to third party representation, whether it is a staffing agency or a labor union - for the same reasons.

Comment Re:Perhaps he sees the writing on the wall in Russ (Score 1) 671

Luck, and pumping information to the FSB are the only things keeping him alive, trophy status being a side effect. Illegal disclosures from beyond the grave would only hurt the people doing them.

Do not expect that these deeds will go unpunished by subsequent administrations or that the odds will be in his unending favor.

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