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Comment Re:(Re:The Children!) Why? I'm not a pedophile! (Score 1) 284

You know tat amendment gives the government the right to search your papers and effects as long as they follow procedure.

What he wants is the ability to get a warrant and carry out a search; which is a reasonable.

And the reason he uses are legitimate reasons.
People commit crimes, he wants to be able to find evidence and build a case is evidence is found.

Comment Re:I just can't... (Score 1, Flamebait) 164

Nope, it is not. Not by any stretch. Gamergate is based around made up 'issues' as an excuse to attack people who point out the rampant sexism.
Ganmergate is a bunch of people who realize the industry is changing and they don't like change.
They use propaganda, lies, and threats to push an ideological agenda.
They are a hate group.

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