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Journal Journal: Electorama!

Earlier this week, I launched Electorama!, a website dealing with electoral reform. Not a lot of interest just yet (the people I would have expected to jump on this are on the Election Methods list), but it's still early. I'm making a point of posting one news item a day. We'll see how long I can keep that up. ;)

Journal Journal: Hey wait, Corel gets a topic and we (Helix) don't? ;-) 1

Given that I've posted more to Slashdot than I'll bet all other Corel employees have combined, this hardly seems fair (at least, those that would do it making their affiliation obvious). I know, I know, we're newbees to open source. For the sarcastically impaired, this complaint is purely tongue in cheek.

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I program, therefore I am.
