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Comment Re:...bypassing a bum sensor? (Score 1) 194

Given that it is a safety feature, I'm guessing they made it difficult to bypass on purpose. On the other hand, knowing how farmers actually work that could be quite an inconvenience if the machine shuts off every time you stand up for a second to just get a better line of sight on something. However, I'm surprised he opted for the "patch the software" route first, since simply shorting the pressure sensor with a resistor would probably work just as well and be far closer to a farmer's existing skillset.

Comment Re:Too early to be discussing the contents (Score 1) 92

Yes, because the Senate has been so good at getting work done for the past decade. I'm sure they'll have something to vote on in no time. I also love your thought that it's not going to be a strictly party line vote, and especially that some Republicans would vote against it. Republicans representing their constituents interests? Yeah, that's going to happen.

Comment Too early to be discussing the contents (Score 4, Insightful) 92

The budget that Obama submitted is basically a fantasy novel with lots of boring numbers in it. The House and Senate are going to shitcan it the instant it lands in their hands so they can pass their own budget instead. It's not even worth talking about the budget because it has absolutely nothing to do with whatever finally makes it through Congress.

Comment Going about it all wrong (Score 3, Insightful) 779

Seems like offering incentives to take the classes won't help if the people aren't interested in the first place. You've gotta make CS cool and hip. You need Disney starlets who program for real and have a gaggle of friends who all think it's so amazing. You need to equate programming with art, which honestly isn't far from the truth. To be honest though, this is a tough road to follow, since CS already has a strong association with utterly uncool turbo nerds.

I'm not sure how you target the poor inner city youth to get them interested.

Comment Re:Power usage? (Score 1) 355

I've got an overclocked Model B (the overclock options are right in rpi-config!) that will pull nearly an Amp when running Quake 3. It's a good test on which companies make good power adapters and which ones don't. (Apple's work, Samsung's do not).

Comment Re:What about the GPU? (Score 1) 355

Yeah, I've played around with a bunch of the boards and the ecosystem on the Pi is by far the best. So many of them have effectively no English documentation, weird quirks, and nothing works without a ton of hacking. The Pi may be slow, but the Raspbian is well maintained and documented.

Comment Re:Still ARM11, still a crappy CPU (Score 1) 355

I'm pretty sure the newer generations of ARM are supersets of the older ones. You could upgrade the processor in the Pi to something recent without breaking ABI compatibility. In fact it would be easier to get stuff like Chrome working on the board since the precompiled binaries are too recent for the processor in the Pi.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 263

How complicated are you making these menus? Is it more than Entree Name, Description, and Price? Seems like exactly the sort of thing that you could whip up in 10 minutes with a little HTML generation and a style sheet. You can add some graphics and play with the fonts to pretty it up, but ultimately a menu is just a tabulated list--something HTML was designed from the start to display.

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