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Journal Journal: Its been a while 5

I have zero motivation but still I've been really busy. I've been skimming through journals and posting a comment about once a week or so.

Here are some things I've done lately.


Journal Journal: Work got me a gift and I want to Ebay it to buy more toys 5

I got a Magellan Roadmate 700. Nice, but I don't want it. I know, strange, a gadget that I have no desire for.

I want to convert it into other cool toys for myself. We're talking $1,000 bucks here. Maybe a Creative Labs Nomad Zen MP3 player, maybe the new Kodak 5 MP camera. What would you buy yourself for new gadgets in about the $300 price range? I already have a Tivo and Roomba.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Proud new owner of a gmail account 2

Went to gmailswap and offered up a $20 donation to the Victory Junction camp. Someone took me up right away and I made the donation. Got my account immediately afterward. 1 GB here I come.

Emily has been getting better with the potty training, she is almost there. Her mother told me she woke her up at 5 am to go potty...I'll save some money there.

Gotta run because Emily has her first dance lesson tonight. I have to spend 45 minutes near the ex-, yuck.

First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal Journal: Amish snipers 3

My mom called me the other day, she said there were Amish sharpshooters walking around near her house. I didn't know there were such things.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I really am free 13

Got a call from the Ex-. She just got the paperwork in the mail, it is official, the divorce is final.

I'm hoping my copy is in the mail today.


User Journal

Journal Journal: It's hard not to be territorial 4

My company is finally interviewing for the second senior sysadmin person. This person would be my peer, there would be two guys junior to us. Interviewed a guy yesterday, about 10 years experience (compared to my 6 years). He has lots of certs and a Master's degree.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Free at last, free at last...soon 7

The ex- signed the petition for divorce. It heads off to the judge.

I met the ex- at a Notary's office, got everything notarized, then immediately drove it to my lawyer's office. I had to take the day off work to ensure it got done, but it was a good use of a personal day.

Lawyer's secretary says it come back as quickly as 2 weeks or as long as 8 weeks depending on the judge's workload.

Time for a little Soup Dragons

Don't be afraid of your freedom

User Journal

Journal Journal: Advice needed on daughter/gf stuff 20

So things are going pretty well with the gf and me. The gf took Emily out to a farmer's market last Saturday and then some other shopping. Saturday Emily called the gf "mommy". She also did it last night.

Now what approach do I take with this? Here are some factors to affect this:

She is 3 years old, she knows that kids have a mommy and a daddy, but the ex- and I have been seperated for the last 1.5 yrs.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lesbians everywhere! 10

Not my first choice of bands, but tonight we went to see the "Indigo Girls". My GF picked up the tickets, and no she's not a lesbian, although her gay friend from college also went along.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Story submission - Quiet please

I have had some good luck submitting stories to the main page. Out of 34 submissions, 3 have been accepted. There are two more accepted prior to that I think they were removed from my history in a /. database crash prior to August 2001.

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