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Comment Re:Only one player (Score 1) 631

What I'm throwing out there isn't random. They are situations that involve coercion and my point is that whenever there's coercion, the dollar value represented isn't accurate. More coercion equals more distortion.

The U.S. spent more on defense in 2012 than did the countries with the next 10 highest defense budgets combined!

Do you really think the US is that paranoid that they'll be attacked or do they use this army to coerce other countries in doing what they want?

I understand how economics is suppose to work but it never does when there's coercion involved.

Comment Re:Only one player (Score 1) 631

I guess I have to connect the dots for you. The US government forces its citizens to pay taxes in US Dollars. This creates a demand for the US Dollar not because it is valuable or because it is backed by economic output of the US, but because it is the only form of payment that the government accepts. What are you missing here?

Comment Re:Change (Score 1) 742

You have presented absolutely zero evidence for the reason why you do not trust Apple and Google and yet your comment is rated Insightful! I don't know who's been messing around with the moderation system but a git revert is needed tout de suite.

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