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Submission + - Supercomputers help researchers improve severe hail storms forecasts

aarondubrow writes: Researchers working on the Severe Hail Analysis, Representation and Prediction (SHARP) project at University of Oklahoma used the Stampede supercomputer to gain a better understanding of the conditions that cause severe hail to form, and to produce hail forecasts with far greater accuracy than those currently used operationally. The model the team used is six times more resolved that the National Weather Service's highest-resolution official forecasts and applies machine learning algorithms to improve its predictions. The researchers will publish their results in an upcoming issue of the American Meteorological Society journal Weather and Forecasting.

Submission + - USB Trojan Hides In Portable Applications, Targets Air-Gapped Systems

itwbennett writes: A Trojan program, dubbed USB Thief by researchers at antivirus firm ESET, infects USB drives that contain portable installations of popular applications like Firefox, NotePad++ or TrueCrypt, and seems to be designed to steal information from so-called air-gapped computers that are not connected to the Internet. 'In the case we analyzed, it was configured to steal all data files such as images or documents, the whole windows registry tree (HKCU), file lists from all of the drives, and information gathered using an imported open-source application called 'WinAudit',' the ESET researchers said in a blog post. The stolen data was saved back to the USB drive and was encrypted using elliptic curve cryptography. Once the USB drive was removed, there was no evidence left on the computer, the ESET researchers said.

Comment Re:Bet Alsop isn't used to being fired (Score 4, Insightful) 339

Not really. It looks like a dick move on Elon's part. I like Elon, but it looks like Stewart was in the right here and Elon's looking kind of petty, making an overly harsh personal response instead of addressing the issue with the man like a decent human.

Comment Re:"We want to make the best Mac in the world" (Score 5, Informative) 337

I develop for Apple for a living, son.

The default blue is eye burning and is everywhere in the Mac OS and iOS.

Nothing's animated? Everything is. Click on a disclosure triangle in the Finder. The entire contents of the folder slide down or slide up. Download a file in Safari. A little cockroach sized badge darts across the screen. Open a panel in Xcode, it slides across the screen instead of opening instantly. Open a new Safari window. It pops open in your face, growing to full size. Send an email in the Mail app. It flies up off the screen. Click in a search bar. The little magnifying glass darts to the left. Click out of it. It darts back to the center. Every alert pops open. Pressing command control D with the mouse over some text results in a VH-1 Pop Up Video style wobbling bubble and then all the content animates in.

Even clicking on a radio button animates the filling in of the button. So much of the UI is now a visual distraction and you can't turn them all off.

I don't know how you don't see this.

Comment Re:"We want to make the best Mac in the world" (Score 1) 337

See mom! I'm not the only one!

The problem here is that Apple's prior use of skeuomorphism WORKED WELL. The resemblance of items to the real world gives valuable context and gives an understanding to the user without them having to interact with the UI. They just can look at it and "get it".

Apple's tossed that right out of the window and to be blunt, the result sucks ass.

Comment Re:"We want to make the best Mac in the world" (Score 5, Interesting) 337

It's been straight downhill with regards to usability for every release after 10.6.8.

Too much animation that you can't turn off.

Terrible colors (glaring painful blue against all white).

This terrible "flat" design means you can't tell what a button is.

Removal of button backgrounds from buttons also means that you can't tell what a button is.

Did I mention too much useless animation that you can't turn off? Because there's too much distracting and useless animation that you can't turn off.

Apple needs to get back to their basics.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 72

Yeah, you just keep spouting off your unused testosterone.

We'll learn from gramps and profit from his experience. Just keep mouthing off to people who have accomplished things before your time instead of learning from them. I'm sure some one will realize your greatness some day and place the crown on your head as you truly deserve.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
