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Comment Re:Get rid of those things (Score 1) 944

I bet some people with brains also might have dimmers. Even the best dimmable CFL dims nowhere near as nicely as a good incandescent. Some high-end LEDs dim a little better but hum and flicker is still a huge widespread problem with these. Some people with brains also like saving money. CFL only saves money after quite some time - for short term applications incandescents are a cost saver.

Comment yeah right (Score 1) 616

This is the same government that specifically said it was not running the exact kind of spy program Snowden described? The same government that had authorized robotic drones to spy on and kill it's own citizens?

Well I for one trust them, let's bring him home, what could go wrong?


Submission + - Google Kills Cloud Connect (

binarybum writes: To keep their focus on Google Drive, Google is discontinuing Cloud Connect, the free plug-in that automatically saves Microsoft Office files from Windows PC's to Google Drive, and it will no longer be available to use after April 30th, 2013. An advantage of Cloud Connect was that files could be easily accessed and edited from the drive without having to save all your drive contents locally.

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