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Comment Re:Snowden was a dumb moment in tech? (Score 4, Insightful) 96

Actually quite often sitting around waiting to be arrested is exactly the point of civil disobedience. You can't really show the injustice of a bad law without demonstrating the consequences of the law. However this doesn't apply to Snowden. He wasn't trying to demonstrate that the laws surrounding classified data are wrong, he was trying to show that the activities the data documented were wrong so really there would be no point in letting himself get arrested. It wouldn't have furthered his cause in any way.

Comment Re:The miles (Score 1) 97

That has nothing to do with transit riders and motorists. I measure the distance of places in my neighborhood by how long it takes to walk to them. There are two reasons for this. One, most people don't walk around with a surveyors wheel measuring distances to everything. and two, I really don't care about the distance. The travel time is much more useful to know.

Comment Re:FSVO "about" (Score 1) 171

The sound barrier was not the same at all. We knew of things going faster than sound, we just didn't think we could engineer a machine that could survive the stress of breaking the sound barrier. It's like building a fusion reactor, we know in theory it's possible but some people believe the engineering challenges are too great to overcome. The speed of light is different. We know of nothing that goes faster than light, and all the evidence we have supports this theory that nothing can go faster.

Comment Re:FSVO "about" (Score 1) 171

But there was reason to believe in black holes. There was no reason to believe an object with an escape velocity faster than the speed of light couldn't exist. They were strange but they solved a very simple problem. Subspace on the other hand is just wishful thinking for those who want to think FTL travel will someday be possible. There is no reason to believe it might or even should exist based on anything we know about the universe.

Comment Re:Why? Because micowaves aren't "light"? (Score 1) 236

Not pedantic, wrong. It seems obvious to me that what they mean by a fraction of light speed is how far they are from the theoretical fastest communication speed from point a to point b where the speed of light is the only delay. Fiber has many additional delays caused by numerous repeaters along the way and the circuitous routing of the cable. They have improved on this with a more direct path and fewer repeaters.

Comment Re:Burn an Ebook? (Score 2) 331

It's entirely different because people don't burn books just because they are done with them and are trying to reduce clutter. It is always done as an act of censorship, too prevent others from being able to read the books. Removing books on a public source such as project Gutenberg or a library server maybe would be closer to what book burning was about.

Comment Re:What ? (Score 4, Insightful) 786

The partisanship is the cause of the ACA's problems, not the other way around. Obama could have entirely ignored his base who wanted a single payer system and taken a Republican plan as the basis of his health care reform and the Republicans still would have opposed it because of who he was. We know this is true because that's in fact what happened.

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