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Comment Re:Is the history he teaches incorrect? (Score 1) 363

Again, where the hell did the reference to the Middle East come from? You thinking about that all the time, right? Middle Earth is different, despite having the same first name. Read the goddamn Silmarillion, it quite clearly lays out the cosmology of Arda and says who good and bad are. Hint: the side that bombs schools to keep girls from being educated isn't the "good" side. Oh, and I'd be careful quoting Animal Farm - the whole novel is a direct parody of what happens to a country when communists take over.

Comment Re:Is the history he teaches incorrect? (Score 1) 363

Uh, no, it's a work of fiction. The whole thing only exists in Tolkien's head. Orcs are elves corrupted by dark magic, they only exist to destroy life. Elves preserve life by...yaknow what? Fuck it. You can go read and get an education. It's frightening to realize that people like you think you can apply real-life like this to fairy tales. And, of course, the totally out-of-left-field reference to Fox News, which shows you're engaging in psychological projection.

Comment Re:Is the history he teaches incorrect? (Score 1) 363

What the fuck? You do know that Middle-Earth was a fictional world, right? You can't apply real-world thinking to it. If Sauron or Saruman had won the war, the Free Peoples would have been exterminated or enslaved. Hell, the book shows clearly what was in store when Saruman conquers the Shire at the end. WTF? Orcs fighting for unity and equality?

Comment Re:Absolutely correct; but what's the reason? (Score 1) 203

Hmm, maybe that's because the taxpayers' money was used to fund bizarre, esoteric research that nobody would use in a million years, and people caught on to that. When you take money, you owe something in return. Too many scientists look down on the less intelligent and don't think they should have to answer to anyone.

Comment Re:I call BS (Score 2) 448

Yeah, the journalists who reported it had no idea what was going on, because they were journalists and hence ignorant people. Mitterand gave Thatcher secret performance data, there were no magical codes that made the missiles miss. Of course, that's what the reporters took away from the situation because that's how it works in the movies.

Comment Re:Wouldn't edibles have the same effect (Score 1) 217

Tobacco mixed in is definitely a European thing. So much so, that they can't imagine smoking a "pure" joint. It's a real bummer to have someone hand you a jay, and cough your lungs out because some jerkwad mixed in half a Marlboro. I got started smoking cigarettes that way. Thanks, jerks.

Comment Re:Star Control 2 (Score 1) 382


The Burvixese race evolved on the planet Arcturus 1, progressing from turtle-like swamp dwellers to a benevolent, highly technological society in just over fifteen million Earth years. Although the Burvixese had the wherewithal to build crude interplanetary vessels, they preferred to remain on the comfortable damp surface of their world and explore the galaxy through HyperWave communication. Using this method, the Burvixese made contact with several neighboring alien cultures, including the Utwig, the Gg, and unfortunately, the Druuge, whom the Burvixese would have been much better off never finding. For many decades, the Burvixese exchanged information with these races, trading technological, historical and philosophical facts and theories, until the fateful year 2142. It was then that the Gg announced that they had come under attack by a unknown alien race, who appeared to want nothing less than their complete annihilation. The Gg surmised that the hostile race, the Kohr-Ah, had located them using the Gg's HyperWave transmissions. Knowing that they had little chance of survival, the Gg warned the Burvixese that, unless they restricted their own transmissions, they too might face a gruesome fate.

Being a charitable race, before the Burvixese turned off their HyperWave transmitters, they shared the Gg's warning with the Druuge. But it was too late. The Druuge's powerful advertising beacons had already attracted the attention of the murderous Kohr-Ah, who, having finished with the Gg, began moving in the general direction of the Persei constellation, home of the Druuge. Realizing their peril, the Druuge took immediate action. They ceased all transmissions and sent a task force of their fastest ships to the moon of the Burvixese world. Once there, the task force assembled a huge HyperWave broadcaster on the moon's surface. When it was complete, the Druuge activated the unit which began emitting powerful HyperWave signals, focused directly toward the oncoming Kohr-Ah fleet. The Druuge hoped that the hostile aliens would change course toward the Burvixese planet and fail to find their own worlds. Unfortunately, this ruse was all too effective: the Kohr-Ah changed course, attacked the poor Burvixese and, sadly, destroyed them all in three days of orbital bombardment.

-- Star Control 2 Resource Guide

Comment How times change (Score 1) 391

"While Dan Rather attempts to rationalize the network's heartless decision to air this despicable 'terrorist propaganda video,' it is beyond our comprehension that any mother, wife, father or sister should have to relive this horrific tragedy and watch their loved one being repeatedly terrorized," the family said.

"Terrorists have made this video confident that the American media would broadcast it and thereby serve their exact purpose. By showing this video, CBS or any other broadcaster willing to show it proves that they fall without shame into the terrorists' plan."
-- Mariane Pearl, May 15, 2002

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