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Submission + - Apple announces new Macintosh models, new OS (

Orion Blastar writes: Apple plans new ARM based Macs for 11/11/2013 and a brand new Classic Mac in January 2014 for the 30th anniversary of the Macintosh. The new OS, MacOS XI, is based on totally new technology licensed from AT&T better than *BSD Unix and MACH! 10 was great but 11 will make you cry.

Submission + - How to be a Good Hacker (

Orion Blastar writes: "What is a good hacker, what is hacking, how can one become a good hacker and give back to the community and do no evil? This blog gives you some pointers on how to give to the Internet community and contribute to free and open source projects. How to help people out and make things better. It is like a list of ethics and morals for hackers as well as a guide for noobs just wanting to get started."

Submission + - The Rise of the Mirror Internet or Darknet ( 1

Orion Blastar writes: "With governments taking away freedoms, rights, and liberties on the Internet, alternatives are coming up called Darknets. Not just for file sharing, but for anonymity, and keeping away censorship and allowing privacy. It will one day resemble the Internet once someone finds a way to make money off it, and administer it to keep order."

Submission + - How Microsoft messed up the Software Market (

Orion Blastar writes: "How Microsoft used DRM to mess up the software market. How the software market became the way it is today and why many people turn to piracy even if they legally bought a license for their software. You really cannot own software anymore, just buy a license to use it."

Submission + - The Second Industrial Revolution in the USA (

Orion Blastar writes: "Science and technology have advanced to the point that human beings can be replaced with robots, AI software, and machines that can do the work without a salary. This is leading to a second industrial revolution in the USA, and massive layoffs and a change in the economy. How will you survive?"

Submission + - Beware of Startup Sharks (

Orion Blastar writes: "Startup Sharks prey on inexperienced programmers who are young and offer them $8000 to finish their MVP in two months in exchange for 50% company stock. Here are twelve problems to look into and answer before accepting such an offer."

Comment I got a feeling (Score 2) 97

that Google will be adding all sort of 'sensors' to the cameras and microphones using a special DSP chip to process the information. You won't just have voice commands, but you will be able to make gestures with your hands in an ASL type of control using the camera. It would come in handy for the deaf and possible it can translate ASL into text as well for faster typing. Non-Verbal commands I think is what they might call it. There will most likely be ASIC chips added for SHA-256 hashing so it could process Bitcoin mining and solve SHA-256 hashes for other reasons as well.

Comment This will bite them in the rear end (Score 1) 376

most Cable TV subscribers have the "Basic Package" of $20/month or whatever of 20 to 40 channels they hook up an old analog SD TV into without a box. They couldn't even figure out those HD encoder coupons or why they needed an encode for local TV. If the signal is scrambled and encrypted for the OTA channels they won't know what is happening and will call up the Cable company complaining about signal reception problems.

Yeah you need a box, we'll rent you one for $X/month, they'll claim. They'll send the box, and the customer won't figure out how to hook it up. Then the cable company will send a contractor out for $300 to install it for them. At that point they will just cancel cable TV because it is too expensive and complex to figure out.

You see Cable TV makes a lot of money with the basic subscription that only needs a coaxial cable installed for each TV because it is the simplest of ways to connect to watch TV and also the cheapest. People don't want Satellite because it needs a box, and also a Dish to align, and when it rains the signal is out. People don't want U-verse because it needs an Internet connection and also needs boxes and if the Internet connection goes out so does their TV signal. The basic cable setup is the cheapest and the simplest and it also works with old analog TV sets that are "cable ready". If the cable company complicates that by requiring a box, they will actually lose customers, and thus lose income.

For a majority of your customers, try to make it as simple as possible for them to install your service and use it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
