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Comment Re:One small problem (Score 2) 509

That's funny, the police report and all reporting on the case claim that he did.

The VIDEO proves he didn't.

Let me guess - the ghost of Bob Marley came to you in a dream, and told you The White Man Executed Tamir

I AM "The White Man," you shiteating fuckwad! What, you think because I have the shred of basic human decency necessary to admit the truth I can't possibly be white?! Fuck off, you racist douche!

Comment Re:You americans... (Score 1) 312

Yea, but that's like saying I'm a Mariners fan because I grew up near Seattle.

Not at all. We have the Second Amendment precisely because we had the experience of violently rebelling against tyranny, and recognized the benefits of ensuring that it would be able to happen again, if/when the time came. That is an experience the British and Canadians never had, and that makes us different.

It's fine to be patriotic and all, but do you actually have something against being British or Canadian in modern times, or are your thought processes unchanged from a few centuries ago?

Thought process only need to be changed when they've been proven incorrect. The thought processes that produced the Second Amendment remain correct.

Comment Re:Intent matters. (Score 2) 312

Information that could make civilians more dangerous to police or military should not be available to civilians at all, obviously.

Indeed, that is obvious -- obviously WRONG!

The police and military exist for the benefit of civilians, and for no other reason whatsoever. The second they forget that is the second they should be put down like rabid dogs.

Your statement might be the most dangerously wrongheaded totalitarian bullshit I've read so far this year.

Comment Re:Only partially true ..... (Score 1) 509

I'd never suggest the cops have an easy job, or that most of them aren't really trying to help clean up the neighborhoods of crime and violence. The problem is, the negative focus on officers today comes from stories on practically a weekly basis where police corruption, misbehavior or mishandling of evidence or people is uncovered. I don't know what exact percentage that works out to, but it's far too great of one -- even if by the numbers, it's only 1% of the police on the force.

The problem is that even if only 1% of the cops are directly corrupt, the other 99% of cops who fail to report them -- and that number apparently really is damn close to 99% -- are indirectly corrupt too.

Comment Re:It really depends on the situation ..... (Score 3, Insightful) 509

I've seen a good number of YouTube videos where someone appeared to be videotaping the police primarily to try to make the police look bad. They added their own narrative/commentary to what was being recorded and in some cases, even tried to provoke a negative reaction towards their filming so they could show people "part of the problem".

And if the officer falls for it, then it proves that he was in fact bad! It is quite literally the police's job to deal with asshats, and to deal with them appropriately, fairly, and with care to respect their civil rights. If the officer fails to do that, then he deserves to look bad.

Of course, if arresting the person doing the filming is genuinely justified, then when the public sees the video they'll agree the officer was being reasonable and it'll make the person doing the filming look bad, not the officer.

It makes the cops distrust and dislike the people filming them

Boo fucking hoo. Being accountable is part of the job. Cop doesn't like it? Then he should turn in his damn badge and GTFO!

Comment Re:One small problem (Score 1) 509

What part of Baltimore is racist? The black run Police Dept? The Black run City Council? The Black Representation in the state? Three of the six police charged in Grey's death?

Yes. It's obviously possible to be biased against your own group. The only question you need to ask is "would these [black] people have acted the same way if Freddy Gray were white?" If the answer is "no" -- and IMO, it almost certainly is -- then there is racism at work.

Comment Re:One small problem (Score 2) 509

It's fun to pretend that we have a police racism issue, but it's really a general police brutality issue.

Prove it: name a single white person unjustifiably killed by police in the last 3 years.

As a white person myself, I'd like to believe it's not a racism issue... but I can't because the evidence is overwhelming.

(That is not to say it isn't probably also a general police brutality issue, but the vast majority of that police brutality appears to be directed towards minorities and that isn't a coincidence.)

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