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Comment Re:not far enough. (Score -1) 201

Please see my original post:

They're not going to work as cops ever again.

And they're not going to get hired as security guards in the U.S., either. Would you hire someone that you already knew, 100%, had violated someone's civil liberties so egregiously? Of course not: your shareholders would can you for hiring them. If you hire people you know are a discipline problem, you're just begging for a lawsuit when they fuck up again while working for you.

Comment Thought Slashdot was better than this (Score 1, Insightful) 190

So another country wants to develop space capability, and this is what Slashdot has to say about it? A bunch of half-assed racist remarks? It's not just shameful, it's lame. Of all places, here we should be celebrating people choosing to take part in scientific progress, not getting involved in ethnic or regional pissing contests.

Comment Why are we suddenly beholden to test scores? (Score 1) 529

So the main complaint seems to be that admitted Asians have significantly higher test scores than their counterparts. This would be slam-dunk evidence if really good SAT scores were all it took to get into Harvard, but they aren't and never have been. They are going to have to go into a lot more in-depth with their analysis to prove their point.

Also, to echo a point made on Reddit, haven't we been saying for years that standardized test scores are not good indicators of performance? Why in this case are we suddenly acting like they are the only criteria that matter?

Comment And cuts funding for NASA to research earth system (Score 2, Insightful) 103

While at the same time, the house science committee cuts funding for NASA to continue important space-based biogeochemical research of earth systems:


Comment Re:Fairly simple (Score 1) 278

Actually, in addition to a couple of real keys, a little flash drive and a Yubikey NEO (for my GPG keys), I have a tiny little knife on my keyring.

TSA has bugged me about extra camera batteries, a little bit of water left in a bottle, hotel shampoo that wasn't in its proper ziplock bag, even nail clippers... but not once about the knife on my keyring.

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