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Comment Re:Decoy (Score 3, Insightful) 200

Use a throwaway for traveling and upload to a 'cloud' drive during the trip.

Yes! Do that!

While you are travelling you are at higher risk for your stuff to be STOLEN.

So make sure that the thieves (or customs officials) only get hardware.

Learn how to securely access your files/data remotely.

Trying to be secretive with hidden partitions and such just runs the risk that you might encounter the one customs agent who knows something about computers. Be boring. Be the most boring person they've ever seen. Have NOTHING of interest to ANYONE on your systems. No pictures/music/movies/anything.

Comment Re:Headline Is Wrong (Score 3, Interesting) 667

Someone mod that up. It's better than TFA.

Speaking of, from TFA:

There are different dialects of English, all of which conform to grammatical structures.

He's got the dialect part correct. But he left out things like slang and local idioms and so forth.

But it is not possible for everyone, or the majority of educated users of the language, to be wrong on the same point at the same time.

"educated" ... that's the problem.

If you are "educated" then wouldn't you know the correct usage?

So he's falling back on whatever the majority (as he sees it) uses as being ... not incorrect.

But in the end, he's wrong. You can mix Yoda-speak/LOLcat with the latest slang and your friends will probably understand you.

But it will probably not impress when you use it on your resume.

Comment Re:OK, but... (Score 4, Insightful) 89

No. If X (not Hitler) is doing Y and Y is very bad then you should be able to explain how come Y is very bad WITHOUT BRINGING HITLER INTO THE DISCUSSION.

Dragging Hitler/Nazis into a discussion is a lazy way to try to claim some moral high ground.

Comment Re:As if SMTP were ever secure... (Score 5, Insightful) 609

In my opinion, the security is not the main point. It's a close second but not the main point.

The main point is transparency. Her official emails need to be controlled by some official other than her. So when someone files a FOIA request it can be assigned to a disinterested 3rd party.

Then it gets down to security.

She keeps switching from the segmentation of roles (official, non-official, personal, etc) to the security. She has got to be smart enough to understand that different roles have different requirements and those requirements are NOT based upon whether bad guys can crack her server.

Comment Maybe, maybe not. (Score 1) 187

Clarke gave us the three laws.

Gibson gave us cyberpunk.

From TFA, it seems that Liu has more of a leaning to the utopian Star Trek. Has he pushed that anywhere new? Or even how humanity will be different in the billion years of his story?

Comment Re:Ok then... (Score 5, Insightful) 247

It's just not the immediate end of the world as they may view it, but is being more sensitive to such things being crazy?

Their claims are what identify them as crazy.

From the summary:

Today, Lumsdaine views the thread connecting GPS and drones as part of a longer-term movement by military powers toward automated systems and compared today's conditions to the opening sequence of Terminator 2, where Sarah Connor laments that the survivors of Skynet's nuclear apocalypse "lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines."

When they start comparing reality to sci-fi apocalypse movies then there is a problem.

And when they start destroying things because of it, they've gone into "crazy" territory.

Comment Yes? (Score 3, Interesting) 106

First off, TFA is crap.

What SPECIFIC regulations does Tim Hoettges want applied to Google / Facebook? And WHY those specific regulations?

Is Grandma's Facebook page the same as a "blog"? Grandma probably does not run her own webserver. Is she using or something similar? Would they be regulated?

Where are the follow up questions?

Sometimes Google does something that has an adverse effect on a business. So he throws that into the first topic. They are not the same.

Still less than Apple. WHO CARES? But throw that in, too.

"... snoogly-googly ..." Better throw that in, too.

"... known in the SEO industry as the âGoogle Danceâ(TM)*." Think about that. An entire INDUSTRY has popped up because some business are adversely effected by Google changing its algorithms. Bad for A but good for B means A pays C to be placed higher than B. As long as A or B or C are NOT Google, what is the problem?

Comment Re:Best idea is not to hide. (Score 1) 247

It all depends upon the STORY being told.

If the "infection" has already happened (you're a zombie when you die whether or not you were bitten) then that changes the math.

Then it comes down to how fast you become a zombie once a zombie bites you. Seconds or days?

And, finally, it comes down to whether this is going to be a book or a movie/TV show. In a book the protagonists can employ non-FPS means to deal with zombies. Otherwise you're stuck with hand-to-hand and guns.

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