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Comment Re:Teamviewer (Score 1) 454

better than anything i've tried.
vnc, single-click uvnc, moodus, crossloops, logmein, pcanywhere, ms remote help, and a bunch of other paid-for remote desktop companies

it's a single exe on their front page, no installation: just run it. and there's no login and password that you need to get the user to understand or manage.

when they run the program they get an ID and password generated automatically for front of them. numbers only. you just have them read it out to you and you're in.

the ID is constant for a single pc, but the password change every time they restart the app for more security. they can delete the exe once you're done,it leaves no trace. and it's small enough that you can have them redownload it every time, which is often easier anyway.

my customer base is farmers, OLD farmers. i have not had ONE issue getting them to log on.
they're not always literate, much less computer literate. but they know numbers (got to count and weight those chickens you know...)

all other systems have been a nightmare.

Comment Re:I'm sure it didn't help. (Score 1) 1040

no retinal or handprint for canadian citizens at least. i just came back form a trip last thursday. i drove over the border to a small airport and flew the rest of the way to my destination. i got waved through after a very minor look at my passport: crossing customs at land borders is much less strict for some reason

now flying to the US is a bit more annoying, the last two time they sent me out for secondary interview (thankfully no full body search) but it didnt add any delay to my schedule.
the first interview was mostly because it was my first time in the us, i was carrying tools in my checked luggage and was going to "help" one our rep to install our product. the guard thought it was odd (not without reasons) and kept asking for my work visa (which i didn't need)
the second one they got ticked about my tools and their values (carrying a scopemeter worth 4000$)

Comment Re:Easier Way (Score 1) 72


if by high level you mean just about any of their sysadmin with access to the website? getting access to the actual key is unneccessary. you only need to be able to get something signed without them checking for some fields (ie, existence of CN, or capabilities bits..)

sure you might not be able to bribe verisign (though i doubt that) but in this case you only need to bribe one sysadmin from one of the big-name CA (any which has a certificate in your browser will do)


Ball And Chain To Force Children To Study Screenshot-sm 346

You haven't tried everything to get your kids to study until you've tried the Study Ball. The Study Ball is a 21-pound prison-style device that locks onto your child's leg and only unlocks after a predetermined amount of study time has passed. The homework manacles can't be locked for more than four hours, and come with a safety key. The product website states, "Quite often, students who are having problems concentrating tend to get up every ten minutes to watch TV, talk on the phone, take something out of the fridge, and a long list of other distractions. Were they to dedicate all this wasted time to studying, they would optimise their performance and have more free time available. Study Ball helps you study more and more efficiently." Stop Teasing Your Brother Pepper Spray coming soon.

Comment Re:many questions (Score 5, Insightful) 554

im a french canadian, and if this law is true it only means i will not be buying any more games in local stores.

french version of games are usually nearly close to unplayable due to being badly translated and even when they're properly translated there is inevitably some key concepts that simply don't exist and have to be adapted.

plain and simple, it detracts from the game. nevermind the lumberjacks that refuse to speak english, i demand my games in their native language.

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