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Comment Re:Update the ecma standard (Score 1) 289

I don't like Emscripten. A language divorced of the prototype hogwash and weird 'this' scoping of JS which causes (OOP headaches) would be nicer.

You mean like C++? Because that's what you compile with Emscripten.

Comment Re:Suspect even at -O0 -g (Score 1) 289

Why do you think that single process has anything to do with this ? The Mozilla developers clearly want to do this, it just is a massive effort to change their code to suite the model.

Really? You're saying the Mozilla developers "clearly" want to switch to Pepper/PPAPI? Because I don't think that's very clear at all.

As for NaCl, Mozilla has been pretty adamant that it's not interested.

Comment Re:The problem with js (Score 1) 289

Is not that it is slow (although it is..) it's that it sucks. It doesn't allow good coding practices, let alone enforce them.

You've been modded flamebait, but there is some truth in what you say. I'd argue, however, that it's not that JavaScript doesn't allow good coding practices -- it does -- but that it does nothing to encourage them, and even discourages them in some cases.

You can write good JavaScript code if you know how and use some discipline. In his book JavaScript: The Good Parts, Douglas Crockford encourages developers to use only a subset of JavaScript's features. The subset he recommends isn't as strict as Asm.js, but he isn't afraid to admit that some features of JavaScript are just poorly designed and shouldn't be there -- so if you want to write good JavaScript code, you should ignore them.

I recommend the book. It's a quick read. It doesn't aim to be a tutorial or a comprehensive bible of correct JavaScript practice. At the very least, though, anybody who works with JavaScript will probably come away from it having seen a new perspective on how the language works and how one should approach it.

Comment Re:"So who needs native code now?" (Score 1) 289

Asm.js isn't Javascript. It's a statically typed language that looks like a subset of Javascript. There isn't even DOM support.

This isn't really accurate. As you say yourself in a post below, any Asm.js code you can find will execute in ANY JavaScript virtual machine available today. Thus, Asm.js is JavaScript. It's just JavaScript restricted to a very strict, very specific set of rules, with everything else thrown out. It doesn't "look like" a subset of JavaScript; it is a subset of JavaScript.

Comment Re:"So who needs native code now?" (Score 1) 289

But the final sentence of the article isn't targeted at people doing heavy lifting. Is an "attack" at Google's Native Client (NaCl). I peeked at NaCl, and you needed a some set up and some APIs to run some native code invoked from the browser. ASM.js is way simpler, since is just a subset of JavaScript, and has much more possibilities of being followed by vendors like Opera or even Microsoft.

Yes, but even if you're using Asm.js, you should maybe still think about NaCl as an interesting potential option.

One reason is that you typically don't write Asm.js code by hand. You could, but you'd probably be bad at it (kind of like assembly language -- compilers just know it better than you do). What you typically do is write your code in C/C++, then "compile" it into Asm.js using a tool like Emscripten.

Thus, if you're writing your code in C/C++ anyway, it wouldn't be such a stretch to take that same code and also compile it into a native binary module for those clients that support NaCl (which so far means only Chrome, and it looks like it's going to stay that way).

In other words, you don't need to look at it as an either/or choice. It's perfectly feasible to use both tools, possibly without much additional development overhead.

Comment Re:Don't stop your meds! (Score 0) 218

In a previous life, I worked with mostly medicated kids in a clinical K-12 setting. It was absolutely the norm for them to be inconsistent with their meds.

I've been told that the segment of people on meds for psychological disorders who go off their meds when they shouldn't, at some point in their treatment, approaches 100 percent. (And when I say "when they shouldn't have," I mean the solution for the problems that inevitably arise ends up being to get back on the meds, or similar ones.)

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 462

When the anti-vaxxers come out of the woodwork it's best to bring out the big guns like polio. My parents have a lot of stories about kids in their school class with polio.

On that score, I can recommend a novel called Nemesis by Philip Roth. I knew absolutely nothing about polio before I read it. For example, I figured polio was a degenerative condition where if you were sick for long enough you'd end up in an iron lung. Nope, you'd go from looking like you had the flu to ending up in an iron lung inside of a couple of weeks. I never knew this because nobody I've ever known, including my grandparents etc, has ever had polio. But once upon a time a lot of people had polio. Vaccination made it go away, and it's absolutely nothing we want coming back.

Chicken pox ain't polio, and to me it was a cake walk, and I never knew anybody who went to the hospital for chicken pox, though I know it happened. But I guess it's better to have a vaccine for it. I mean, when can you ever say that it's worse when we can prevent a disease? I just have this weird thing in my head where it was a rite of passage, and back in the day it was the same for measles et cetera. But ideally speaking, people shouldn't get sick if we can prevent it. It's just the thing.

Comment Re:good riddance - Not (Score 1) 146

Exactly, IMO the FDA is shutting down a useful service in order to protect a few idiots out there would would act on the results as gospel.

Bullshit. The FDA isn't "shutting 23andMe down." Nobody woke up yesterday morning and was told 23andMe had to shut down. 23andMe had YEARS to get in compliance with FDA regulations, but instead it chose to say "we don't agree that we fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA" and do nothing. And then, golly gosh, it turns out that we do actually live in a society of laws after all. If I was an investor in 23andMe, I would be steaming pissed.

Comment Re:good riddance (Score 1) 146

So does the local palm-reader.

The point appears to be that you can provide medical advice if you are completely unscientific about it, but as soon as you try to offer even a little bit (even of experimental or tenuous) fact, then you have to go whole hog.

Seriously? So in your book, a doctor who has spent years at medical school and practiced in the field for years more is a "palm reader," but whichever unlicensed, unregulated nobody who reads you your 23andMe test results is a "scientist"? I guess in the unmitigated bullshit stakes, that makes you a dean of medicine.

Comment Re:good riddance (Score 3, Insightful) 146

How could that possibly be within any legitimate government's domain? Using the same rational they could shut down wikipedia or rxlist.

They sure would shut down Wikipedia or RXList if those services allowed you to make an appointment to consult them for medical advice. Even campus health nurses have to be licensed.

What Wikipedia offers now is pretty much the same thing as reading information out of a book. You can't stop people from doing that, and there's no law against it.

What 23andMe does is market a product that you use to extract unique information about your own body, which is then presented to you in the form of suggestions about what health measures you should take -- in other words, medical advice. Very different.

Comment Re:stop the sensationalist crap (Score 1) 462

Bottom line, normally 60 cases a year, but spike was 175 cases. so what, that is nothing. measles therefore is not a concern in this country.

Don't be dense. It's not a case of "if some people get vaccines we get no cases and if nobody gets vaccinated we get 175 cases." In France, where the instance of non-vaccination is much higher than it is in the US, there were five thousand cases of measles reported in the first three months of 2011 alone. You want the US to go that way, keep thinking measles vaccination is "not a concern."

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 462

I had chicken pox as a kid and got it pretty bad. I just hope I don't end up with shingles which is quite miserable for those I know who suffer from it. Anyone who thinks two weeks of hell and a high probability of getting shingles is better than a couple quick jabs is an idiot.

You've just crossed the divide where my perspective is different than yours. When I was a kid, there was no chicken pox vaccine and everybody got it. If you knew a kid who had it, your parents sometimes sent you over to "say hi" to that kid, in hopes that you would catch it, because generally the younger you caught it, the milder the effects. (It's not much fun coming down with full-blown chicken pox as an adult, like my friend Dave eventually did -- picture trying to shave.)

Anyway, "two weeks of hell" is hardly how I'd describe the chicken pox. Two weeks of skipping school, getting to sit in front of the TV and watch anything I wanted, eating whatever I wanted (though to be honest, my sense of taste went funny while I was sick so not everything was enjoyable) and generally having a nice bed-rest vacation is how I remember it. When I heard that they were handing out chicken pox vaccines to kids, my first thought was "pussies."

But, I guess times change.

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