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Comment Re:Sony? (Score 1) 177

Are you upset that the government does gitmo, kills off coal jobs, and supports obamacare?

If any of the three you support, who are you happy with and who do you reference when you complain?

Sony makes the decisions. Sony is suffering. Despite what branch does what - Sony deserves to suffer for their anti-consumer arrogance.

Comment Re:I'd expect Fawkes masks to start making stateme (Score 0) 218

And yet there is the evil George Soros which is the boogeymen of the left....

As an American, I'm sick and tired of the straw horses being trotted out by both sides. It's time to flush the toilet and kick both sides out. Obama just got a new "shellacking" and the democrat in power that helped move legislation which caused the "shellacking" promptly blamed the other side and said "ya'll should be working with us".

Cut spending, Stop showing up on trendy shows, back off on policing the world, and learn to live in a fricking budget!

We have a third of America on Food stamps and we are inviting others to pile on into the party.

That's not going to work. Is it going to take a major economic colapse to wake America up?

Comment Re:Setting aside that old Constitution (Score 1) 446

The writers of the constitution had just come out of an oppressive government and won their rights by fighting back against the oppressive government and decided to make sure that if there was a time wen the tree of liberty had to be watered - the citizens would be armed and step up and form militias to fight back.

The whole point of America is and was Freedom. It's a responsibility that all americans must stand up for. Be it an outside force, an oppressive government, or your home being invaded, it's up to you to stand up and fight.

We've collectively been slapped down by many oppressive laws - the right to keep up in technology (I don't mean computers here), the right to be not spied on or searched illegally, and the right to be free.

Here's a basic litmus test. Will you agree to be searched before boarding a flight, or will you tell the person that you're an American, and you refuse to have your basic civil rights violated? It's ok to answer honestly, I just would like to know since I'd like a tax on folks like you, to fund people like me since we need more ammunition since you aren't stepping up to be ready to fight for your freedom.

Comment Re:You can pry my wallet from my... (Score 1) 375

Think about how much you spend per year. Think about the percent you pay in credit card fees. Take that amount and multiply it over 50 years and just think what you could do with that amount if it had gained interest before you retired.

And all it would take is a bit of time on your part to use cash and monitor your bank account.

Comment Re:Mod the parent up. (Score 1) 488

I fully agree with you.

Mozilla turf crashed with their idiotic ideas after they decided to go with quick builds and a deaf ear.

I'm still running on 5.0 and wish that I could go back to the days of an easy browser that could block all of the cross connecting crap and ads and just give me a basic browser with one that does not continually run into websites that tells me to upgrade.

Comment Re:You can pry my wallet from my... (Score 2) 375

I find it surprising that people think credit cards don't hurt you.

I'll dumb it down for everyone.

When you go to the grocery store and shop, and then ring out - the credit card company makes money off of your purchase.

If you use cash, they make you pay the same price since the credit card companies hate the minimum purchase amount signs to use credit cards.

The credit card companies owners are the top 1% - they make craploads of money since most people don't understand that if they used cash instead of credit cards - they could save money since everywhere they shopped wouldn't have to pay for credit card fees.

lastly, that bit they give you for "cash back" is just an incentive to keep paying the higher premiums so the one percenters can keep having fat pay checks.

THEY WANT A CREDIT CARD LIFESTYLE - that will keep prices higher than they should be, and keep using you as the bottom feeder to promote it.

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