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Comment Re:simplicity and reliability (Score 1) 496

I know you misunderstand. Why should I be forced to add another feature that I PAY FOR that I do not want to use.?

I do not want or need a backup cam and display, I sure as hell don't want to pay for it when I buy a vehicle. I do not want or need side view cams attached to the back up cam and display that I don't want to have and don't want to have to pay for.

The back up cam, side view cam and display should be a feature that the buyer pays additionally for, "Including it as a standard" drives the price of the vehicle up.

Comment Re:simplicity and reliability (Score 1) 496

With a rear view mirror I can just keep on driving.

I object to the forced added cost of the camera, wiring, and display.

I drive a wrangler - and I take it mudding and fording. That means any electrical system as opposed to a simple mirror would require even more expensive water protection added to the cost of the vehicle.

If you want the feature - effing pay for it.

Let those of us that know it's a useless piece of cost avoid being burdened by the expenditure.

Comment SyFy (Score 2) 167

SyFy is the reason I cut the cord. Paying for television with commercials and crappy shows and realidumb tv and talks shows is an exercise in pissing your retirement away.

I personally haven't seen any show that had WW as anything more than a bad actor. Who he might be and what he does outside of acting is as relevant to me as how Whoopi Goldberg spends her time (got no clue on her either).

So good luck to WW on joining the sinking SyFy - hopefully it lands him some gig that shows up on Netflix where he changes my mind on his acting.

Comment Re:No problem (Score 1) 423

Not going to try to fight here, but I think that if you had elaborated in the OP about this then the impact you were striving for would of been greatly diminished.

If you could provide me some contact information for that client, I'd most likely be able to fix the situation for a nominal fee that I'm sure they'd accept.

Comment Changing my mind (Score 1) 127

I really thought NASA was the future, I've fought tooth and nail with naysayers over about NASA, It was incredibly depressing the space shuttle started and ended in my lifetime and we rely on the Russians to launch new astronauts to the station.

But this? This is the first time I've started to question my fanboy support of NASA.

Seriously? These designs are worthy of a poll or even posting?

Comment The screwup of law (Score 1) 246

If someone dangles their genitals while traffic passing by can see, take a picture of, and release publicly while informing the police of the infraction can be arrested for dangling their genitals in public view - I find it completely mind boggling that the same enforcement can't be brought against a company that dangles their genitals on the intraweb.

Comment I am an ex-microsoft shill (Score 0) 465

I've always hated apple after the Mac 2c i owned. I've ranted on /, about Apple, I've fought tooth and nail over gaming versus artsy fartsy.

Putting all that aside - I'd hate anyone who could look at a dead mothers will and decide to enforce an EULA over a piece of plastic with metal that happened to contain information the children could hold dear. It's just wrong.

She could of flung it out a car window, or had it buried with her, but passing her investment into an item to her children is strictly forbidden? That's worse than Steve Jobs buying cars every six months so he could park in handicapped spaces.

There's a special place in hell reserved for people that run apple.

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