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Comment Re:Pinto (Score 1) 247

I'll be fair, since you don't define "safe distance," but I would wager that it's more to do with inattention than distances. I see lots of cars keeping well away from the car in front of them, but keeping too much distance decreases traffic flow since it lowers vehicle density, by definition, and in any semi-urban area, that gap is going to be filled with other cars anyway. Sure, you could make another gap, but that requires you to slow down, which causes the cars behind you to slow down, and probably causes a standstill at some point. All of that to avoid the possibility of a $200 fender bender -- not the guarantee, mind you, just the possibility.

Or, you could just pay attention. Very rarely do people slam on the brakes out of nowhere. If there's a red light ahead, and you don't see the guy in front of you slowing down, then go ahead and slow down anyway. Keep an eye out for potential risks, and look at the behavior of several vehicles ahead, not just the one directly ahead.

And as to the original point of poor braking behavior: Traffic laws are designed to make driver behavior predictable. Anything you do that deviates from that predictable behavior increases the chance of an accident, whether that's swerving into oncoming traffic, or unexpectedly slamming on the brakes. If your MO is to mash the brakes at every red light, you're going to get hit eventually.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

In the Super NES era, games used to cost $60, which is about $90-something in today's money after inflation. Now in the Xbox 360 and Xbox One era, games still cost $60. Day one expansions make the extra $30 of content optional to buy.

You may be right. There's not really any evidence, but it's a plausible theory.

Here's the thing. The market is much larger now, and the distribution costs have only gone down.

The best selling game in Super NES history? Super Mario World. Copies? 20.5M.

Compare that to GTA5, which has shipped over 45M copies to retailers alone, not even counting direct sales/downloads.

So just the revenue that we have visibility into is 75% higher.

Here's the other thing. If the game needs to be $90 to be profitable, then set the price at $90. Don't set it at $60 and then nickel and dime everyone to death to make your $90, explaining how they made "optional" parts. "See, the book is only $5, but the ending is another $5, and if you want any of the 5 subplots, those are $1 each." At best, it's betraying the vision of the artist for finished product he wants to be seen. At worst (and the skeptic in me says in most cases), it's deliberately gouging your customers.

Comment Re:Attempting with existing title was a mistake (Score 1) 239

Sure, you worked you ass to model your armor or level, it is all your content, and you only get 25% of the sale price. However, what is the real value of your product? If you are really good modelling swords, were is the market where you can model a sword and get thousands of people interested in paying $1 or $2 for it? I'd argue a lot of the value you're providing comes not from your mod, but from the framework that allows it to exist in the first place. And you don't own that.

By that logic, the government should be taxing businesses at 75% because, hey, without their infrastructure, property rights, and policing, where would that business be? And it would be a real shame if anything happened to those property rights...

*I* would argue that modders are enhancing the value of the game at least as much as the game is enhancing the value of the mods. It's a symbiotic relationship, or it could be, if not for the parasitic fees of the publisher.

Comment Monocoque (Score 1) 128

Bellini plans to use a lightweight, indestructible floating capsules, or "personal safety systems" made from aircraft-grade aluminum in what's called a continuous monocoque structure

So a giant ball... made out of a monocoque? Unless I'm mistaken, the emphasis should be on the monoball, since monocoques are the most common variant, while monoballs are somewhat of an exception.

And sometimes you have bivalves or whatnot, and a monocoque just isn't sufficient. Sometimes what's required is a bicoque. I think the engineers might be relying on false information if they believe the motion of the ocean is going to compensate.

Comment Re:Least common denominator (Score 2, Interesting) 161

If only it were that easy. The problems with cross-platform development are myriad. The LCD experience has already been outlined, so here are the others:

1) It's write once, TEST everywhere, and you can't debug the code you actually wrote -- only the specific translation of that code into native code. And that sucks beyond words. It can be incredibly time consuming to the point where it easily erases any time you saved in development. And the longer the lifecycle, the more of your budget this is going to consume.

2) On a related note, profiling and performance tuning is a bear. If you do anything that requires performance, cross-platform is the wrong way to do it.

3) The potential for bugs is twice as high, because now you don't just have to worry about bugs in the native SDK, but also in the abstraction as well. While the OEM can generally afford to test the hell out of their SDKs, cross-platform suites have much less resources at their disposal. And it shows.

4) You are always playing catchup. New features take longer to implement, because you have to wait for the third party to either implement the new feature, or to implement it right.

5) You're needlessly adding another layer of dependence. None of the "popular" third party platforms are anywhere close to guaranteed that they'll be around in a month, or 6 months, let alone 2 years from now. If your favorite library goes away, you find a new one and make a few changes. If your entire SDK goes away, you're fscked.

If your software doesn't matter at all, if it's just a hobby, has no business case, and you have no plans (or potential) for going commercial, then by all means, use whatever development tool strikes your fancy. Personally, I would never recommend that anyone use cross-platform tools for anything they plan to support indefinitely. Even for a prototype or an MVP -- too often the prototype becomes the codebase for the final software, despite prior assurances to the contrary. Don't waste effort developing something you can't build on, unless you have no other choice.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

It has RDA of calories, and if you're drinking soda, then 100% of the calories are from sugar (or corn syrup, for most soda in the US). There is no RDA for sugar specifically because there are no scientific guidelines, not because the FDA is part of some grand conspiracy to keep it a secret.

Comment Worked for me. (Score 1) 36

When Virtual Happy Fun Ball suddenly accelerated toward my virtual child under 10 and my pregnant virtual wife, I nearly soiled myself. Fortunately, the virtual child absorbed most of the blow, otherwise the collision with my virtual would've caused a virtual miscarriage for sure. It's reaction with virtual concrete was, while beautiful, ultimately tragic, and led to Virtual Happy Fun Ball emitting large quantities of smoke from its exposed core. Mesmerized as I was by the display, I did not heed the warning to look away, seek shelter, and cover my head, and I paid the virtual price (lost all of my items and some experience.)

When I taunted Virtual Happy Fun Ball, well, let's just say that I'll never make that mistake again. Woe be unto any who taunt Virtual Happy Fun Ball.

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