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Comment It's a bit of a conceit (Score 1, Insightful) 114

It's seems a bit of a conceit to assume that intelligent life would take the same size and scale that we humans take.

Why do we assume that aliens would necessarily be in the same order of magnitude as our size? Could it be more likely that an intelligence that is much, much larger or much more microscopic than ourselves could exist?

Could it also be that intelligent life exists in a different time span than we do? I wonder if there are life forms equivalent to our California redwoods that are intelligent but we couldn't detect it because they are so long or short lived as to not have any visible change in our own lifespan.

I would think that the smartest thing that an intelligent life form would do upon discovering humans would be to make sure that they themselves are undiscoverable.

Comment I have so many questions (Score 2) 133

So, first off, were the school APIs (I assume they are either REST or GraphQL queries) at least secured? That is, did you require at least some kind of access token that regularly expires? If so, how is that token acquired? Does it require at least 2 factors?

If they were not at least secured, then the school system itself has a shitload of explaining to do.

Comment In other words.... (Score 1) 62

"Providing Oracle OpenJDK builds under the GPL was highly welcomed, but feedback from developers, academia, and enterprises was that they wanted the trusted, rock-solid Oracle JDK under an unambiguously free terms license, too. Oracle appreciates the feedback from the developer ecosystem and are pleased to announce that as of Java 17 we are delivering on exactly that request."

In other words, the "developer ecosystem" gave Oracle the finger.

Comment Re: The main problem with IBM's Watson... (Score 5, Informative) 75

It's a brand. Nothing more.

The original code itself was purpose written specifically to play Jeopardy. There was nothing in it that made it appropriate for medical or other applications.

IBM did this all the time back when I worked for them. Marketing people would sell an idea based on a proof of concept. They would tell a customer the code would do anything the customer asked for, sell it to them, then turn around and tell the Software Division to take Research's barely written hack and turn it into a product that did whatever cockamamie thing they told the customer it would do on some crazy schedule, like maybe a month or two.

Of course, unlike Research Division code, IBM's Software Division products needed to meet certain standards, like they had to be supported in all the world's spoken languages, be accessible for blind and deaf, pass all manner of performance and scalability tests. So it was almost impossible to do. What really happened is that in general, we threw out the Research code and we wrote it ourselves.

So it's doubtful that any of the "Watson" products ever had any of the original Jeopardy playing code in it. I know at least the one that I worked on didn't. What IBM really did is to slap the Watson name on anything that had any kind of machine learning code in it at all And then they made their definition of machine learning very loose.

Comment Re: As long as not everyone needs it (Score 5, Insightful) 408

You're looking at it as if it's a binary thing.

It all goes to the likelihood, the percentages. People who are vaccinated are much less likely to get it and spread it. That helps considerably given that the illness spreads exponentially in the generally unvaccinated population.

No vaccine for any illness has 100% effectiveness. But if you can get to a point where the virus had very few places to spread to, you can make it much less of a threat.

Comment No more kindles for me (Score 2) 96

I picked up an Onyx Nova 3 (not the color edition, I have no idea for that) and now I can use any reader I want on my eink device, including Libby and Hoopla's own readers. I've read a ton of books this year with zero visits to Amazon to buy.

Sure it's not perfect (but then my Paperwhite isn't perfect either) but it's good enough and everything syncs with my phone too.

Will never buy another Kindle so long as Amazon withholds library books.

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