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Comment Dumb Profit Seekers (Score 1) 97

Can doctors get any idler?

Anyways, stupid idea. Sick people want to share with a real person. Hard enough to do with a flesh and blood arse giving you 12 minutes of his/her time, let alone a 'remote presence' (as if that even makes sense). The only circumstance where the scenario is a necessary evil, is true remoteness eg. medical advice for people in very remote locations like the Arctic.

Next profit idea: don't even use a real doctor, instead, an avatar with AI that is 'really good at listening and looking'.

Comment And with Apple now banned from Chinese Gov. use .. (Score 1) 82

... it becomes apparent what has been going on:

a) foreign industry allowed in to Chinese markets;
b) Chinese intelligence (government and industrial ... there's a difference?) goes to work stealing IP and passing it on to chosen Chinese industry;
c) foreign industry gets hit with exclusions (eg. MS and Apple banned for government use) and legal harassment (MS target of anti-trust investigation); and
d) Chinese industry rises to dominate the market (Xiaomi - Apple of China).

Nothing wrong with all that, a society/country looking out for itself. In fact, it might be considered admirable that they so closely protect their autonomy, refusing to let themselves be dominated by foreign corporate interests.

Comment Why Biology != Science (Score -1, Flamebait) 66

Wow, herding animals have a social network. Really, that should not be surprise but kudos to the researchers for actually studying it. But biology is repeatedly surprised by this sort of thing to the point that one is inclined to think that is biology tells you it isn't so, then it is likely just so eg.- "No life could exist in such an environment." => Life could exist in such an environment.

Biologists = butterfly collectors

Comment Marketing Outstrips MIT Meaningfulness (Score 1) 138

This is a big WTF?
        The principles involved are well known and explored unto death to the point that they are high school science project fodder.
        The inspiration/precedent for this particular exercise came from ... a TV show known for its precise experimental process?
        More effective and practical methods of implementing the principles have been in existence for a while, see 'boundary layer control'.
        Did this become a story because its amazing science and engineering?
        Or because it is a slow week for MIT's marketing department?

Comment _why_ can't we keep throwing hardware at it? (Score 1) 161

Moore's Law speaks to computational horsepower per unit per cost. But even if the computational abilities do not continue to increase, the costs will keep coming down.

Hardware is cheap. It's not an elegant solution, but it's cheap. And getting cheaper.

Focus on the UX, because without that, who cares what your kernel can do? Machines are plenty powerful enough, what you want to do is get your OS in to the hands of the most users possible .... right?

Comment Why did they have to study this? (Score 2) 710

Here in an area known for bitterly cold winters, every new home goes up with an air conditioner, every second big home investment is a pool, and every other driveway has an SUV. Facts I've used to successfully shut up the local climate change propagandists for years. Oh well, I guess it's now official.

One supposes that the climate change outcry should really be: " I want someone else to take care of the effects of climate change so I can keep living just the way I please."

You really want to help the planet? Lighten your own footprint on it.

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