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Comment Re:essential to know about jQuery (Score 1) 126

It's very likely that people would already have the CDN version in their browser cache since a lot of website use that link.

This is a popular claim, but what little real data I've seen says quite the opposite. There are so many different minor versions of a library like jQuery that the chance of any given visitor to your site actually having visited another site using the exact same version from the exact same CDN within the cache window turns out to be pretty low.

There are still reasonable performance-related arguments in favour of hosting static content on a CDN, and for splitting resources across domains unless you're in SPDY or HTTP/2 territory, but those aren't quite the same issue and you can avoid them without resorting to loading libraries from third party hosts you don't control.

Comment Uber isn't stupid (Score 3, Interesting) 230

Uber isn't stupid. They know the existing transport monopolies are maintained due to political connections aka lobbying. Uber knows there is no way it will be able to upset this status quo without support from local politicians. That, unfortunately, means lobbying. Love it or hate it, it's how things get done these days.

Comment Re:Backing up user data on Linux (Score 1) 517

For a server it's different because each service has its own location for config and data, but if your job is to setup and manage the server then you should know what its running and where those services keep their data.

That's a great theory, but in the real world numerous people rely on servers that don't have a dedicated admin, so these things do matter and "You should know everything about everything" isn't a terribly useful philosophy (leaving aside the often incomplete nature of documentation in FOSS world, which can make it hard for even a competent and generally knowledgeable admin to actually know everything they need to here).

In this context, I'd take backing up user data and reinstalling Windows and its applications over backing up user data and reinstalling Linux and its application any day of the week.

Comment Re:Security team (Score 1) 517

So they should never run scans because every time your computer is on you are using it?

The kind of entire system scan that slows everything down for an extended period? No, probably not. Those scans are mostly worthless from a security point of view, and have a high impact on the overall efficiency of the system.

They should never patch and just let well known vulnerabilities run amok because you don't want to be inconvenienced, either by having to leave your machine on or wait while patching happens?

Of course not. But we aren't talking about rolling out the approved updates across the organisation after Patch Tuesday or whatever we're calling it this month. We're talking about regular scanning that routinely interferes with normal use of the system.

You left them no choice by giving them no time that wasn't work time.

There are plenty of other choices, starting with having sensible security practices that don't routinely undermine systems at all, and closely followed by having a standard procedure for applying security updates in a timely fashion that allows for things like people being out of contact for extended periods and provides for notifying them of any urgent threats while they are away and then getting them fully caught up when they return.

If the process of installing updates and perhaps a reboot on a Windows box is itself taking so long that it can't be done in the background while someone is making a coffee, again you probably have bigger problems to deal with and need to consider whether the spec of your systems is good enough what what you need to do with them. But in the real world, this is almost never a problem in practice if you have a remotely sensible set-up.

Comment Re:Security team (Score 1) 517

That's how you see it, not how IT, nor Management, nor lots of other orgs see it.

Frankly, I think it's how responsible IT and smart Management see it as well, and I don't know what "other orgs" you mean so there's little to say there.

IT is a support function. The purpose of support functions is to support the primary functions of your business. Any time your support functions start undermining the primary functions, that should be robustly justified, or the people who want to do it should be told "no". It's really as simple as that.

As for your example scenario, that's the kind of foolishness that costs real businesses money all over the place. I bought some quite expensive household goods a little while ago, and as it happened we were just finishing up the paperwork at 8pm as the showroom "closed". The sales guy was incredibly apologetic about how he couldn't print the last form we had to sign -- which was the important one that guaranteed us the goods and them the sale -- because their central management system went off-line for something-or-other and despite it being 8:01pm and him having a high value customer waiting to complete a sale, he couldn't.

As a direct result of the poor policy imposed on the local store by some genius in central IT, they were at risk of losing one of only a few final sales they would have made that entire day; in fact, if it had been one day later, they would have done, because we would have been on holiday and so not able to return the following day to finish everything off as we actually did. That is what management technically refers to as a "total screw up".

Actually, their IT systems generally were a disaster. On our first visit, they had multiple people looking around at one point. However, it took so long to put a provisional order into their prehistoric computer system to get a proper quote (seriously, like an hour to do what should have been maybe 5 minutes) that people were literally walking out after waiting half an hour to see the sales guy who was tied up with the other customer.

I can easily imagine based on just those experiences that dumping seven figures into building a modern IT system that could handle customer orders properly would increase their revenues by 25-50% indefinitely. It obviously wasn't a new or unique problem, as the sales guys on both occasions seemed both genuinely apologetic but also had a well-rehearsed patter for how it happens sometimes but no-one ever fixes it.

Comment Re: Security team (Score 1) 517

To be fair, if you're dealing with the level of malware that can cover its tracks against that kind of investigation, and if that malware is already on your system but wasn't picked up on a previous scan, the game is already over anyway and you're well into complete reinstall and restore from back-ups territory. These days, with threats that can hide in other areas of the hardware/firmware to survive the wipe and reinstall process, I'd be wary of trusting even that in any highly security-sensitive environment.

Comment Re:Security team (Score 1) 517

I'm freelance these days, so I'm afraid I can't help. Sorry. :-)

One of my regular clients operates in this field, and seeing things done in a reasonable way reminds me of why I used to get so irritated when I did work as part of a large, bureaucratic institution. It's not magic. It's just being aware of modern tools and practices, and being willing to make the effort (and yes, sometimes, being willing to spend the money) to set up something that provides a useful degree of security but without making things so secure that you forget why you're there in the first place.

Given the potential costs of getting security wrong, I don't really understand why any organisation large enough to be facing these issues regularly wouldn't hire people who know what they're doing and provide a reasonable budget for them to deploy proper tools. I can only assume it's the usual suspects, probably some combination of ignorance and corporate politics.

Full disclosure: Obviously I make money from working for that client and they make money in part from selling some of those tools, so I'm kinda sorta shilling here. But not really, because really, the cost of hiring smart people and giving them proper equipment vs. the cost of say a major regulatory investigation or having your whole sales team at the pub all day because they can't work... not exactly close.

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