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Comment (Score 1) 540

There are so few who recognise the quote: Bravo.

I will have you know that I set it long ago when participating in a particular long forgotten thread on /. & never saw any reason to change it.

As for it being number sticker wisdom, well given the length limitations on both number stickers & /. sigs, content is bound to be similar.

Comment (Score 1) 540

As Churchill so astutely said: Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

Democracy is far far from perfect, but the other systems are worse.

Comment (Score 1) 540

Snort. 19th century oppression of women in psyciatric hospitals is not a valid counter-argument to me pointing out that no-one was condemned to an insane asylum in the US or condemned to prison with all their belongings confiscated by the government for merely daring to oppose the ruling party, so no, it's not like the Patriot act.

Attempting to use such a weak argument just shows that you have no better counter argument.

Comment Re:Well now. (Score 2) 102

The thing is, as many a Slashdotter has pointed out, you can't accomplish the same thing virtually. If you let people download material from a library then there are only two realistic options. One is that you provide the material with huge amounts of DRM and interfere with readers' own systems in dubious ways. The other is that you create a blatant avenue for copyright infringement and inherently give it special legal blessing that is intended to protect the public resource of a library for entirely different reasons. It is highly unlikely that libraries would support the former, and there is no way the latter was going to fly legally.

Comment (Score 2) 540

I agree that small scale communism has it's merits (kibbutzim being a good example where it works very well), but county size communism has failed every time, transforming itself over time into what should more properly be called fascism (rule by a small cadre) in many cases the boiling itself down to rule by tyrants. Thus IMO in the country sized communist systems, you're trying to draw a line where is no real difference.

Comment (Score 1, Informative) 540

No-one was condemned to an insane asylum in the US or condemned to prison with all their belongings confiscated by the government for merely daring to oppose the ruling party, so no, it's not like the Patriot act.

No-one was sent to Guantanamo for peaceful opposition of the ruling party in the US either, so no, it's not like Guantanamo either.

So, that makes the sniveling coward voluntarily wrong, yet again.

Comment (Score 3, Insightful) 540

Junior? I was born before JFK was assassinated & was an adult in Berlin days after the wall fell, bucko.

So, the men & women I met from a number of different countries who described in detail their experiences of Communist rule that I briefly relayed were all liars.

Source: Russians, Ex-eastern Germans, Cubans, Chinese, Romanians, Nicaraguans, Vietnamese. Poles, Lithuanians, Hungarians.

No, we should all believe a sniveling coward without the courage to post in his own name that claims that all the personal experiences and documented abuses of Communism are a "boogieman" [sic] because he left one (probably former) Communist ruled country before he was an adult. Your lies are transparently seen for what they are, coward: Voluntary ignorance.

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