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Comment Re:Download from the source (Score 1) 324

If MS had that much control over the OEMs everyone would be crying about how they are abusing their power again. Even when they did have a lot of control they didn't have *that* much control to keep OEMs from installing crap. If you want a crap free system order it directly from the Microsoft Store. They configure all of those systems and remove all the crapware. That's about the best they can do.

Comment Re:Application installers suck. (Score 1) 324

Why does windows keep this antiquated process around? What would you suggest? Maybe they should have curated store where people could go to get apps with a high level of confidence that they'll be safe. Hmm, that might just work. They would have to be careful and not switch to that new system all at once though since that would surely backfire and piss everyone off. They'd have to slowly tighten the screws over a period of releases.

You should write them and make sure they know of this plan...

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 327

You make some good points but I would rather go the open / less stable route every time. The instability is something that can (and has) improved a great deal over time. Intentional roadblocks meant to keep the user in a restricted playground will only get worse. The stability issue is really a lot like the reliability issue in cars. All the major brands are about the same. Ever since Win7 the only time I have to reboot is when I install updates once a month, if even that often. And reboot times have dropped so far that it's not that much more time than coming out to sleep. My current laptop goes from fully running to fully off and back to fully running in just a few seconds. The user restrictions and lock in never goes away though.

Comment Re:Desparate Microsoft pulls a "Sun Microsystems" (Score 1) 525

Source? Who did he give it too? More importantly, how involved was he? For Gates it's now his main focus in life and by the end of his life he will have spent a lot more time saving lives than doing whatever it is you hate him for. Your hate has clearly clouded your judgment.

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