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Comment What does make a difference (Score 2) 132

Measured by the smell that can linger afterwards it makes a big difference if you flush instantly after you dropped a big one and another time after sending all the paper after it, compared to only flushing once at the end.
Just looking at what actually makes a difference here. Putting a flamethrower on the whole room is such a drag.

Comment "OSINT" is a bulwark (Score 1) 10

OSINT is solidly groomed, funded and even set up by the intelligence agencies, out of fear of it arising for real and being independent.

They remember Wikileaks, even if they're trying to make us forget. An "intelligence agency for the people" is their greatest fear.

It started with the blog Brown Moses. A Something Awful goon who had taken as hobby watching videos out of Syria since one of his forum buddies had decided to drop everything and become a millitant. He was pretty good, he noticed and documented a lot of things the intelligence agencies hadn't. They were scared by that, but very relieved he'd focused on that conflict. So they flattered and groomed him, and paid him, and got him to start a small media outfit (bellingcat), and got their own people into it.

Submission + - A Framework for AI Legislation (mindmatters.ai)

johnnyb writes: There has been a lot of ink spilled about the "need" for AI Legislation, but few details about what that would look like. Here are proposals for a framework for what AI legislation should cover, what policy goals it should aim to achieve, and what we should be wary of along the way.

Comment Re:The company makes a decent point (Score 2, Insightful) 193

Nobody actually cares about the Navajo nation, you know. These organised minority groups play much the same role in US politics as Nauru does in the UN. They vote however the highest bidder asks them to vote, and the bids aren't high. It's very apparent in US presidential election years like this one: organized minority interest groups (not to be confused with the actual minorities they supposedly speak for) can be directed to have concerns where the money points.

So if the White House really had a meeting about this, it's not out of concern for Navajo beliefs. It's about "hey, are they just trying to raise their profile for the upcoming election season, or did someone we care about pay them to say this?"

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
