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Comment GPU acceleration? (Score 1) 188

And since Chrome 10 or 11, they disabled GPU acceleration of flash video... so even if my ION laptop is highly capable of decoding 1080p, I can NOT watch youtube video in more than 360p. It has worked for years and they disabled it, shame...

Before someone ask, I have the latest nvidia driver, flash, I disabled the chrome black-list, etc.

Comment Re:Wish I had lived through this... (Score 1) 102

I'm born in 1970 and went on the net in 1990, I know usenet pretty well (as well as gopher, and IRC) and I rememebr a.b.p.e.* :-)

What was epic in the 80s was the personnal computer like the C64 or the Amstrad CPC6128, the Z80 CPU, etc. I had an old 8086 PC with 2x 5¼ floppy and a monochrome monitor...

Comment Re:More info from New Scientist (Score 1) 240

> I've often wondered if some gibberish spam contains convert messages of nefarious intent

IIRC there was a group on usenet for this in the 80s or 90s, you could post a message, encoded with a key à la PGP, then everyone could access/read the encoded message, but only one person was able to decode it properly.

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