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Comment Golly (Score 0, Troll) 69

accelerates local sea level rise from climate change, because the land is getting lower as the ocean gets higher.

Gotta tie it into global warming somehow.

This particular issue has nothing to do with it, and is at a faster rate. River deltas meander back and forth (like rivers themselves). As such, they are constantly depositing fresh silt, back and forth, back and forth.

Build a city, put in levees to guide the river, and this process stops. The weight of the city and the silt it is built on slowly squeeses out water, squeezes it down. New Orleans is 6 feet below sea level, as we found out 20 years ago.

The process is slow, allowing easy building of sea walls, but much faster than sea rise.

Comment Re:Get back to work! (Score 1) 522

In some states, they might be protected for off the job political opinions and activity. But this was on the job, speaking as Google workers agains their employer.

It's the difference between "I don't think company X should do this." And "I work for company X and don't think they should do this." You can't speak on behalf of the company outside the official mouthpiece, as you don't own it.

Comment Re:Words matter (Score 1) 522

Your interpretation of the turn against the Iraq war as being a byproduct of the hard left is laughable. By the end of the Iraq war plenty of conservatives were realizing waltzing into a country full of people who don't trust us and don't want us there not to mention destabilizing regional politics (Sadam was a firm enemy of Iran after all) was never a good idea. Hence many of our conservatives turning to isolationism.

As for what the above is saying, pointing out that Israel is engaging in highly questionable practices that are resulting in massive numbers of civilian deaths isn't "sophistry". It's pointing out obvious truths that are supported even by Israel's questionable data.

They were quite happy to see Saddam ended and see the US. Several years later, when it became apparent, as with Afghanistan, that a neo-dictatorship had formed and was hunkering down waiting for the US to leave, that they had a fatalism.

Comment Re:Hopefully common sense will prevail (Score 4, Interesting) 136

Worse, unless the company is going out of business, which Ubisoft afaik is not, is it really a drag to spend a hundred a month keeping a server for ancient stuff running just for goodwill?

Some of these games needed many servers just for all the zones of one shard, a decade later that can be tucked into one computer.

Comment Thought (Score 1) 222

If it moves, tax it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.

I pointed out once EVs got prevalent enough, government would stop subsidizing and start taxing. I got modded down, by clowns who, when government inevitably changed its mind, would later dutifully regurgitate the talking point that government now needs taxes for roads.

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