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Comment Re:Here we go with the gender politics (Score 1) 634

"Why is society seen as a ends, rather than a means by which we can enjoy higher productivity, safety and personal wealth."

Why, that is but one aspect of collectivism (or its fashionable synonyms). The state is your co-parent, the state is your provider, the state is what defines your contributions...


Comment Re:So its..... (Score 2) 634

A delicious double entendre indeed - and if you read closely the bio of the writer, you see something similar too. Noun phrase or gerund?

"Lina Nilsson is the innovation director at the Blum Center for Developing Economies at the University of California, Berkeley."

Comment Re:the endgame is ironic here (Score 2) 289

"One of the goals of any company is to manage it's workforce"

No, that may perhaps be a smaller goal of the human resources department or whatever, but the goal of the company as a whole is to make money: sell lots of good stuff at a reasonable profit. (If the "goal" were eliminating its own workforce, every company could trivially make that happen by disbanding! Profit! ... er, GOOAAAALLLLL!.)

Comment Re:Hurrah for sex-segregation! (Score 2) 599

Your language equations are erroneous: "substantially equal" does not mean "equal in being substantial". It's not commutative.

"Maybe the universe where girls underperform in computer science and boys underperform in english language arts. Sort of like the one we're in, for example."

Is there a theory that the boys underperform in english -because of- the presence of girls?

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