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Comment Re:the endgame is ironic here (Score 2) 289

"One of the goals of any company is to manage it's workforce"

No, that may perhaps be a smaller goal of the human resources department or whatever, but the goal of the company as a whole is to make money: sell lots of good stuff at a reasonable profit. (If the "goal" were eliminating its own workforce, every company could trivially make that happen by disbanding! Profit! ... er, GOOAAAALLLLL!.)

Comment Re:Hurrah for sex-segregation! (Score 2) 599

Your language equations are erroneous: "substantially equal" does not mean "equal in being substantial". It's not commutative.

"Maybe the universe where girls underperform in computer science and boys underperform in english language arts. Sort of like the one we're in, for example."

Is there a theory that the boys underperform in english -because of- the presence of girls?

Comment Re:How fucking tasteless (Score 1) 341

"The impartial answer is that all deliberate killing is murder or that none is.."

That "impartial answer" is not only not accepted in military circles, but also neither in civilian law. There is a huge spectrum. "murder" is *unlawful* deliberate killing, which for example deliberate killing in self-defence isn't.

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