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Comment Re:Hydrogen? (Score 1) 271

Many years ago I used to let weather balloons go for a living. They were all filled with hydrogen and I never managed to blow anything up by _accident_ :-).

Of course hydrogen is pretty damn flammable and even a small amount makes a nice bang, so I really wouldn't want to use it in anything that involved carrying people.

These recent stories about teams getting to 30km+ with their balloons and being all over the news makes me laugh as well. I used to do that twice a day. The only thing missing back then were the miniature cameras.

Comment Re:Redbull (Score 1) 271

The temperature was most likely correct.

The temperature in the stratosphere rises with height (a temperature inversion) due to the ozone layer capturing UV radiation. Of course with the pressure being about 8hPa or less at those altitudes the temperature is pretty much abstract.

Comment Re:Double down on black (Score 1) 105

Wishful thinking. They were dead man walking already.

The board must have known they were coasting on momentum alone and the shit was about to start. Sure they were growing, but they were growing far less than the market. Elop came in just as the momentum ran out and the dive started.

They are nearing the bottom of the dive now and the only interesting thing is whether they can pull out before they hit the bottom. There are signs it is starting to level out, but it will be a close call.

About the only stupid thing I can attribute to Elop is that he should have known that internal private memo would leak.

Comment Re:It's from Microsoft and this is Slashdot... (Score 0) 1027

I call bollocks.

I have a Lumia 800 and have used Symbian for years. I also have an iPad3 and use an iPhone occasionally.

1. The UI is fine. I don't miss anything compared to the other devices.
2. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Compatibility with what?
3. Potential?! My Nokia N8 used to be totally empty by 7pm AND I WASN'T EVEN USING IT. The 800 probably lasts 2 days at least.
4. I already have dozens of more apps from the 1st tier services than I ever had on Symbian
5. Who gives a crap, Google, Bing, it is all the same. And there is a Google app for those anal enough to require it.

Comment Re:Consider me fired. (Score 1) 1271

Infants can't be vaccinated immediately, but they're susceptible to disease. Some people have health problems that prevent them from being vaccinated. If my child died as a result of a preventable disease that they contracted while too young to be vaccinated and I found out they were infected by an the child of an anti-vax nutjob I think I'd have little choice but to kill the anti-vax parents. I'm quite sure I'd have a hard time staying my hand. People who are that anti-social and selfish don't deserve to live.

You mean like this Australian family who's baby died before it could be vaccinated and then they where harassed by anti-vac nutjobs.

Comment Re:What about Tamiflu? (Score 1) 1271

Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it is an anti-viral (and only mildly effective at that).

Vaccinations are a numbers game. There are always side effects, but the risk of side effects from the vaccination is so much lower than risk of side effects from the disease that it is worth it. That doesn't mean that someone won't get something from the vaccination, only that on a population level it makes sense.

Why do you think that almost no one gets smallpox vaccinations now? Because the risk from the vaccination is so high compared to the risk of getting the disease (which is now formally eradicated). Basically now only the US military receives smallpox vaccinations.

If the risk from measles is 1 in 20 of getting pneumonia or 1 in 2000 of encephalitis then I think the 1 in millions odds of getting a vaccine complication are worth it.

Comment Re:influenza is serious (Score 1) 1271

Actually contrary to popular opinion chicken pox can have serious side effects including encephalitis and death.

And having suffered shingles at the age of 40 I can tell you that it was the worst experience of my adult life. Any childhood vaccination that could have prevented that would have saved a week of extreme pain. And I had a very mild case.

Comment Re:Always torn on these cases (Score 1) 1271

Actually one particular swine flu vaccination did cause narcolepsy.

But I call total and utter bullshit on "many". It was just a few cases out of millions of vaccination doses and it was determined that the populations affected already had a genetic disposition to narcolepsy.

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