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Comment Re: Decreased Costs (Score 3, Informative) 1043

My (black) son-in-law Chucky started a business installing, dismantling and rehabbing office cubicles a few years back. He's been growing it steadily, almost entirely through referrals and repeats.

He routinely beats white-owned competitors on both quality and price. He gets no government help, and is only now starting to go after government contracts.

You were saying?

Comment Re: For consumers (Score 1) 146

Depends on the card issuer. Our credit union (Grow Financial, Tampa FL) issues Visa debit cards under the "Visa Zero Liability" policy, so we are not liable for any theft- or fraud-based charges. They just reiterated this policy in a letter we got today telling us they're replacing my wife's card due to Target charges on it "just in case." My card? I haven't charged anything at Target in many months, so no prob - and my card expires and is due for replacement next month, anyway.

Comment They reversed the age numerals (Score 4, Interesting) 331

I'm 61, not 16, and I prefer my eBook reader (my Android phone) for light fiction, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep or in a waiting room or eating a light meal in a coffee shop.

The price of Ebooks -- yes, way too high -- doesn't directly affect me, since my local library loans me eBooks. And then there's that huge public domain Gutenberg collection and others like it.

I'll pay for eBooks when they're half the price of mass-market paperbacks. Until then, I'll only read titles I can get for free.

Comment Re:TV? You mean, single-use device? (Score 1) 418

Agreed re cable TV. I need to wean my wife from a few cable-only shows, then we'll have Internet and over-the-air TV with a two-tuner media PC behind the TV and a wireless keyboard to control it. Savings? Maybe $75/month. would be more except for the damn bundling crap the cable/ISP providers insist on. Damn thieves. $75 for fairly quick Internet alone, with all the crap they load on it. I don't *need* tech support and their email and "webspace." Give me a connection, keep it working, and leave me alone. Bet they could charge me $20/month and make money. (mutter mutter mutter)

Comment Re:Didn't we mock this yesterday already? (Score 1) 155

I did not make this video nor did I choose its subject matter. All I did was edit it & write the intro paragraph. Some may have noticed that the Cryonics Institute is a non-profit, and may realize that we do *not* take money to make videos unless said videos are clearly marked "advertisement" or "sponsored content" or something along those lines. Like these: See? A "sponsored video" section.

And yes, for those who don't know, I was the editor in chief of the company that owned Slashdot for many years, and -- my low 3-digit UID hints at this -- I was reading and posting on Slashdot before it was corporatized, and did my best for a long time to (sigh) keep the marketing types from messing the site up.

I retired in 2008. Now I collect SSI (I had several massive heart attacks) and work part-time doing Slashdot video work, plus I write a weekly column called Cheap Computing for TechTarget -- -- and occasional blog posts for -- --and other specialized, tech-oriented websites.

If you want to blame me for... well, for anything... no problem. I can handle it. I'm not in a management position, so saying bad things to or about me won't change anything. In fact, it's possible that I agree with many of your complaints but don't have the power to do anything about them.

And that said, now it's time for a gin and tonic here on Florida's West coast. :)


- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
Bradenton Florida USA


Comment Re:Slashvertisement (Score 0) 254

"Also roblimo and his slashvertisements are all so blatant, it's insulting."

I don't mind if you want to blame me for everything wrong with the world, including /. videos and posts you don't like. After having worked on Slashdot most of the time since 1999, my skin is so thick that nothing you say is going to bother me.

It's better for you to blame me than someone who might be more easily offended, so please keep it up. :)

Comment The Dork Brothers! (Score 2, Insightful) 296

All tech holsters look like they were made by the Dork Brothers, AKA the guys who design bicycle helmets. So forget holsters. And we won't even talk about fanny packs. Barf. I carry a small over-the-shoulder "messenger-style" laptop case that happily holds my little 11.5" subnotebook, my smarty-pants phone, some odds and ends, and my .22 pistol (along with a couple of extra magazines).

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