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Comment Re:So fusion power in 20 years, right? (Score 1) 128

Bullshit. Basic science is not profitable and takes massive amounts effort. Capitalism only funds proven processes not real R&D. If you disagree go try and get a loan from a bank of an unproven but brilliant industrial process. NASA is a strawman argument because it has been turned into a jobs program by southern senators.

"I am armed because I am free. I am free because I am armed." Bullshit. You're free because of the effort of the lineage of our forebears that created the United States. Not since the Civil War has the presence of domestic personal arms had any bearing on your freedoms unless you are a Black panther which I doubt. What you should say is "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Though as for that you should be railing against the combination of human rights and limited liability for corporations as an assault on your freedom far more than your ability to have more guns. Corporations have more money than some states or even nations now so much so that they can field private armies. How would our founding father's view them when they only grudgingly granted them the right to limited liability in return for limited rights? They would see them as worse than kings but as they are, immortal kings who pollute political discourse.

Comment Re:So fusion power in 20 years, right? (Score -1, Flamebait) 128

There is a great article about this somewhere. The answer is in the funding. Those numbers are based on spending that has fallen consistently over that time resulting in a constant time to finalize the project. So tax cuts for the super wealthy and fuck the sciences and basic research because they contradict the bible and climate denial. Whoooo hooo ameriKa third world shithole FOREVER!!!! YEAH!!!!

Comment Cross Laminated Timber or CLT (Score 2) 202

CLT and mass timber is the shit. They are also working on LVL veneer based types that are like super plywood vs. the current finger jointed lumber version You trade material cost for labor but you can have a house framed in a day. Also concrete is a carbon emitter for a long time. It is not prone to fire. You can have them CAD CAM all the windows, doors, conduit, and plumbing into the walls at the factory, and it is renewable.

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