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Comment Re:Are they LEOs (Score 1) 104

Our country is "uninvadeable" because of geography, not people with small arms. You can bet if a large standing army were to decide to enter the US, a handful of people with 9mm pistols aren't going to stop it.

Exactly, and that's why the restrictions on so-called "assault weapons" are an unconstitutional travesty.

Comment Re:Who cares if it kills companies? (Score 1) 109

  1. Rule 1: put most of your money in a total stock market index fund (60-90%, depending on how risk-averse you are) with the lowest expense ratio possible.
  2. Rule 2: Put the rest of it in a bond index fund (10-40%), also with the lowest expense ratio possible.
  3. Rule 3: Never, ever sell, even in the worst recession imaginable, except to rebalance or (after retirement) to withdraw living expenses.

Rule 3 is the hard part (psychologically), which is why so many individual investors screw it up. The key is to understand that recessions are irrelevant because the market always eventually goes back up. (And yes, I am including Japan's market in that statement. If you had dollar-cost averaged into Japan's stock market before it crashed and then kept doing that, and did not sell, then you'd still have managed a decent return once you account for dividends.)

Comment Re:You can replace Windows... But not the battery. (Score 1) 133

One can buy a far better desktop machine and a UPS for that money. And it would be user-serviceable and upgradeable.

A bit harder to transport to a client's office, though.

These machines are obviously aimed at a particular niche that full desktop workstations can't cater for.

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As long as we're going to reinvent the wheel again, we might as well try making it round this time. - Mike Dennison
