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Submission + - Help Find Jim Gray

An anonymous reader writes: Jim Grey has been missing for five days, and all attempts to find him so far have failed.
But there is still hope:
"Through a major effort by many people we were able to have the Digital Globe satellite make a run over the area on Thursday morning and have the data made available publicly. We have split these images into smaller tiles that can be easily scanned visually and stored into the Amazon S3 storage service. We then created tasks for reviewing these images and loaded then into the Amazon Mechanical Turk Service.... Now it is your turn, go find Jim Gray."
http://www.allthingsdistributed.com/2007/02/help_f ind_jim_gray.html

Submission + - What Google Giveth, Google Can Taketh Away

Skidge writes: "With the previous story about the power of Google to effectively make your site "cease to exist", here's a story about how Google can direct its gaze to a small site and give a large boost in ad revenue, only to take it away when it decides the site really isn't worth it. From the article, "Google suddenly started sending search traffic to my pages, boosting my ad revenue by a significant amount. Just as suddenly, the search traffic dried up, sending me back into the gutter with the rest of the low-page-rank bums.""

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
