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Comment Re:Anyone else not surprised? (Score 3, Interesting) 612

On most modern 2.4 Ghz R/C radios (such as Spektrum, etc), there is a 'bind' procedure that locks the transmitter and receiver together and prevents someone else from overridding the controls and to prevent interference from other transmitters. Granted the system used to control this drone is more sophisticated (hopefully), but you would think a similar system would be in place.

That may be a bad assumption seeing as there was an article recently reporting that it was possible to intercept the video feed from U.S. drones.

Comment Re:Needs new leadership (Score 3, Interesting) 325

I don't see why the studios don't get together and implement a virtual theater where all their content is available. I go down to the local multiplex to view movies from every studio. I don't have to drive to the Sony Theater to see Sony productions, the Warner Theater to see Warner, etc.

.. Because Netflix does that already, Mr. Obvious...

Comment Re:Aside from hype, Apple's real policy... (Score 1) 601

and flashing when you are behind someone in the passing lane (in MA, the slow-down-to-5-10mph-under-the-limit-and-read-a-book-or-eat-your-sub-or-watch-a-DVD-lane) means "please move over I'd like to pass."

I wish folks in Arkansas & Oklahoma would remember that. You flash your lights at them in the left lane, they get pissed and slow down...but we are getting way off-topic, now.

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