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User Journal

Journal Journal: OK, so I don't journal much. here's some overkill.

yard work is taking much of my time, end of season. the dog and cat are having alpha position arguments ten times a day now. got the band traps epoxied, and should have a ham antenna hanging (finally) by the end of the week. now, to get a new power transformer in the s/1 CX7a and see if I got everything fixed in there that needs it. no end of projects when you can do them ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: apple gets more money

the eMac has adopted a cousin, an iPod mini. alas, I got a bad cold, and have not yet been able to use it at exercise, since I'm not up to the oxygen demand yet. nice-sounding toy, though. it was nice to see Cashman and West music on iTunes, bought it all to save a lot of digitization of my old elpees.

User Journal

Journal Journal: switched!

Today I switched. emac with superdrive replaced windows 98se, which has been roached since I tried to raid-1 the drives, and due to the design of the registry, has never been the same again.

I had everything peeled off before the raid event onto a USB-2 external drive, and have already recovered all my past email from netscape.

For some silly reason, I couldn't get CD rip working right on the SUSE machine. So, it's OS-X for me. After meeting up with the Mac 128 back in 1984, I finally bought a current Mac.

Nice to have a machine that isn't hobbled by too few interrupts and just freakin' works.

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