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Comment Re:could be fems average better at groups, men one (Score 3, Insightful) 219

Man here (from birth)... I don't see how selfishness is an inherently male trait. I would never think taking someone else's food was OK as long as I replaced it. Obviously, at the moment there's a problem, and fixing problems you created is clearly inferior to not causing them in the first place. I would not want someone who wasted time and professional reputation, by constantly fixing the problems they caused, on my team.

What I see with men-- including myself, of course-- is that we DO want to fix problems, and save the discussion for later. "Lessons learned", "post-mortem meeting", etc. Women don't seem to like that. For some reason, they want to address the collateral issues at the same time, or even defer the solution in order to perform in-depth problem analysis. This seeming lack or urgency is frustrating to me, personally.

Comment Re:What's the graduation rate for women? (Score 1) 479

It is hilarious that one day, we can have an article lamenting the lack of women in IT-related undergraduate majors, then the next have an article wondering why there aren't more women working in IT.

Maybe we should stop frickin' worrying about how many women are in IT... unless we want to start worrying about the lack of men in nursing, veterinary, and grade school education.

Comment Re:One mile? (Score 1) 784

No, we mean American football, which originally had play started by kicking (or "snapping") the ball with the foot, the field goals and tries were worth more than the touchdown, and the forward pass was illegal so the ball was rounder. Perhaps if Walter Camp had anticipated that ignoramuses would make stupid jokes, he would have proposed renaming the game.

Comment Re:nanny state (Score 1) 784

To be fair, we can't really lump net neutrality, a consumer protection issue, in with those others. But things like telling adults between 18 and 21 they can't drink alcohol and making single parents pay child support until their adult children are 25 are stupidly extending childhood and ultimately giving governments unreasonable power over the people.

Comment No fool like an old fool (Score 1) 894

The Pope, like most leaders, thinks his wisdom is boundless and intelligence such that he had insights no one else has had. The fact is, the champions of freedom of expression realize that it's perilous to label any speech as forbidden, as the slide into tyranny is inevitable. The problem is, any zealot can decide your words are worse than insulting his mother. And any zealot can decide that killing people is a reasonable response. Perhaps it's because this pope is not as learned as his predecessor. I find it hard to believe that Benedict XVI would not realize that several core beliefs of Christianity are mother-slandering to Muslims. For example, the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. The Qur'an says, "There is no god but Allah" and that he has no son. The Qur'an also denies that Jesus dies on the cross. Any of these beliefs are blasphemy to Islam. So, Your Eminence, shall we deny the Bible's mission to spread the Gospel, so as not to offend?

Comment Re:My guess (Score 1) 130

Those are stupid, penny-pinching companies. A 7 year old computer indeed, does not, do what you need it to due to increasing requirements of new software and security patches. After 5 years, a computer is completely depreciated for tax purposes. While this doesn't make the new computer free, it now can be written off. Companies run by bean counters, instead, look at the costs of the new hardware and staff needed to deploy them and decide to give the CxOs a bonus instead.

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