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Comment Re:There wouldn't be any of this (Score 2) 300

The cartels are already dealing in these things. My thinking is that there is far less of a demand for these things than recreational narcotics. Your typical pothead isn't going to say "gee, pot is legal now, I guess I'll spend my money on automatic weapons and child prostitutes instead".

Legalize pot, subsidize it for two years, and then run an ad campaign to encourage people to buy it local ("Buy American!"), if they're going to buy it. I think the cartels would be hurting pretty bad from that, at least in the short term.

Of course, none of this will happen, so its sort of a moot point. Americans are too conservative, on the average to pass these sorts of policies.

I could be wrong about all of this, but I don't really see many other people offering better suggestions.

Comment Re:There wouldn't be any of this (Score 5, Insightful) 300

Hmm. Seems to me the smugglers exist because there's a demand for their goods on the US side of the border. If those goods were legal here, the violence wouldn't be as much of an issue, and the smuggling business would become a more normal business. If there was no demand for narcotics on the US side, you'd be right about it not being our fault that smugglers exist. But there is, and they do, and so we are partially to blame.

Legalizing marijuana would be a pretty big blow to the drug cartels. The human trafficking comparison is just a logical fallacy, as narcotics and human trafficking are (as you note) different things.

Comment Re:Even if they prove this (Score 1) 504

You're a fucking moron.

Here are the reasons:

1) If it could have been done once, it could be done again. Maybe you liked Bush as a president, but if someone opposite your political views used the same trick, you might feel different.
2) It's still illegal, even if it happened 'back in time'. We don't just let crimes go because it happened 'back in time'
3) It's highly unethical, to say the least. This would (should?) have fairly far-reaching implications on corporations involved with politics and government contractors.

Please, please, please never breed or speak to anyone ever again. Or at least take some ethics classes. Consult your local community college. If you're old enough?


Comment Re:Perhaps one of the biggest advances... (Score 2) 662

The iCloud makes all of this possible. The data is persistent and secure forever, for all present and future devices.

Simply: Wow.

What color is the fucking sky on your world? How long do you measure forever? Five Years? How about twenty? Thirty? If Apple in 50 years even resembles Apple today, I'll eat my fucking flying car. Nevermind actually keeping this service running forever.

I won't even go into "persistent and secure" or "all present and future devices". You apparently don't read the news enough to realize that both of those statements aren't even possible, let alone likely.

Comment Re:It was an execution (Score 2) 518

The seals went in, took him unarmed, knelt him down in front of his family and shot him execution style in the head.
The reports from both the administration and the family members after the fact pretty much confirm this but the press have gone so far out of their way to dilute the facts it's almost silly.

I haven't read this anywhere. Citation? I'm not saying you're making it up, or that I'd even doubt it, but you're claiming that 'reports' are saying one thing and 'press' have said another, which seems a bit contradictory. Especially since plenty of press has no issue making the US look bad...


Google, Microsoft In Epic Hiring War 235

natecochrane writes "Looking for a new job? Then Google and Microsoft have 6200 roles globally this quarter up for grabs, the first salvos in a costly war for talent. Google alone will hire 6200 engineers, executives and sales staff this year — its biggest intake ever. This story details where the biggest bucks and most fun jobs are to be had and how you can apply for them. There's even a job for an Xbox PR person — fancy being paid to play with toys all day?"

Comment Re:Arrogant Ignorance? (Score 1) 2288

Duh, thats easy. 1760 Yards. That's 1776 (to commemorate our independence) - 16 (the number we divide up inches by, as you noted).

It's simple, really.

On a side note, I have a feeling that most people in the US could tell you how many meters are in a kilometer. Of course, I couldn't point down the road and tell you how far away a kilometer is, but I could probably get pretty close to a 1/4 mile.

Comment Re:Bias (Score 4, Insightful) 1148

Who modded this up?

Ah, I must have missed the news of where, after being hit by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, and a 20-ft wave, the 40 year old plant completely wiped out everything within a 50 mile radius. Link please?

When you consider the magnitude of the catastrophe, it *is* impressive that the site is as under control as it is. Despite all of the media hype about the imminent doom, things seem to be holding up remarkably well. Not great, but certainly not the end of the world, and frankly the least of Japan's problems right now. And hey, so far it seems like the long-term damage from the reactors will probably be way less significant than the Deepwater explosion in the gulf. Nuclear power *is* safer than the media portrays it. And certainly modern nuclear plants are safer than these older ones.

As an aside, applying a single trait to an entire group like /. is fairly silly. Slashdot isn't pro-apple, or pro-google, or whatever; nearly every article on any topic has tons of comments on both sides. Try not to make wide generalizations about things simply because you read opinions you don't like.

Comment Re:It's all the same even for alternatives (Score 4, Informative) 345

That is unless someone cal tell me how a move to an [open source alternative] would be better. Even these OSS alternatives have to be supported. The last time I checked, their support was anemic! Just ask the University of California.

Are you retarded, or just trolling/FUDing?

The article you linked to doesn't mention any OSS alternatives, nor any support costs/availability of anything. (Also, Mashable is the best you could come up with for a source?)

What the article you linked to (titled, "Major University Dumps Gmail Over Security Concerns") actually discusses is that the University of California in Davis just stopped their pilot roll-out of Gmail due to concerns that it wasn't secure enough. In actuality, its not clear if Davis would even be allowed to use Gmail at all, as the article notes, "[school officials said] outsourcing e-mail may not be in compliance with the University of California Electronic Communications Policy."

Later in the article it mentions that other organizations (such as the City of Los Angeles) are adopting Gmail. The whole thing is hardly damning of Gmail, and doesn't even mention OSS.

Mods: Don't just assume that someone's citation backs up what they're saying. Parent is off-topic and not particularly insightful.

For me, I can say that when my previous employer switched over to Gmail for our email it was a huge boost to uptime, and a dramatic drop in cost compared to the (unfortunately) poorly supported in-house Linux-based OSS email server and the Exchange server we were quoted.


Comment Re:Thanks Google for aquiring and killing! (sarcas (Score 2, Informative) 327

(And FFS, mods, the parent is not insightful, interesting, or even remotely relevant. It's simply bitching by a lazy person who can't be arsed to do a simple web search.)

Actually, you you might be the uninformed arse here. Last time I tried (and *I* actually tried, not just googled it and then ran my mouth on /.) to install Etherpad it was not a straightforward install, the source was full of hard-coded crap, it lacked many of the features the website had, the docs were bad, and when it finally got up and running it was flakey.

Yes some people have had success, but Google put almost no effort or man power into it, and it was in many ways a better tool than wave.

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