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Comment Re:Over paid (Score 1) 442

Using this source
We can guess that there must be between 400 to 500 broadcasting stations
Now the quoted figure 326K for 30 seconds, should be for the nationwide broadcast of ads that the local and regional broadcaster cannot use (BB's own time).

So thinking that about 200 stations buy BB, and they give up the 30 second, that would 200 x 326 that's about 65 million gross income per episode.
I think that the number 326K is the NYC, CHI, LA top rates. I would guess that the nationwide average of the rates is much lower.

I'm entirely guessing, please correct me and fix the numbers where applicable

Comment Re:Nerd Blackface (Score 1) 442

In reading this dialog, E-Rock points out the facts; if a person is happy, causing no harm to himself or others, then why should we change that person to our own liking.

What I think frightens most people about the Character Sheldon is his bluntness, his desire to be as perfect as possible, and I think, his ability to like himself entirely without shame (I think that ability is the hardest for most people to achieve).

And don't forget that Sheldon is very selfish in a very perfect way, a good example of this is in the episode where rocket fuel explodes, he did it so as not to get killed and secured a qualified paying renter and in case it's needed, he can rat out the other for blowing up the elevator.

Comment Re:SWA Terms of Carriage... (Score 1) 928

What people seem to forget is ... airline employees have contract rights ( based on that ticket you bought ) that states something like this... " if you make me feel uncomfortable, I will do my best to boot you off the flight "

While 99% of these are violence related (drunks, people taking a piss in flight on the floor ... ) A steward for any reason they see fit, if they feel uncomfortable will boot you. Seen it more than once with those passengers that say "I'm calling the cop's" and the steward say's "please do, and everyone else please keep boarding", and "you whom are calling the cop's, I'll wait right here as the plane leaves". I get a laugh every time.

Comment Re:Fast Forward (Score 1) 69

I do recall that episode and was going to write about it. It was late 80's. I will say that I don't recall it being 2 feet long and I don't recall it being connected to anything. But you are exactly correct about the test. they disabled it somehow, and over the course of 5 minutes it was walking again and running some sort of search pattern.
But now I don't recall if they disabled a leg or not.

This brings on a side point:
I do recall a study about repetitive science and lab work (also coding): their study showed that about 5% to 10% of all lab work has already been done within the same firm (or university) and about 15% of all lab work is duplicated and publicly documented. My take... do a good search and most of it should be online LOL

Comment Re:Answer needed (Score 1) 390

With Comcast, you get some sort of boost... But they are rather correct on the service contract. You get internet access.
Here is the catch
The other side (in this case net flicks) has flooded the lines and won't pay to carry the transmission.
The consumer still gets the internet access and the transmission, but not at the fault of the Comcast.

Comment Re:Answer needed (Score 1) 390

Your UPS analogy is slightly off...
The better analogy is ... You buy a house near a bridge
The bridge has 2 lanes
When you see the bridge at 4am there is nobody
But at 7am it's packed with delays towards your office and the other lane empty (empty lane has a toll booth)
You bought the house based on thinking it was going to be a simple ride to the office and free 1 way
What you discovered is huge delays.

Now you're asked to build another bridge lane, but the town won't help foot the bill unless it get's to build a toll booth and raise
the rates. Taxpayers don't want to foot the bill.

Comment Re:detroit vs SV? (Score 1) 236

That's part of the entire issue. Who's to blame when 2 auto's go bump.
While 2 compatible communication systems should not crash or even bumps, what do you do when you got a chunk of metal barreling down the road in the left lane and the driver falls asleep. While it's obvious to us that sleepy head should bear all the blame, the dispute will be fought in court.

Not only that, I would think that this would force all the manufactures of auto's to open new companies to avoid the legal liability to the main brand. IE: ford auto drive group, licensed to use the designs...

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

While I respect and understand your point. I have to have some hope that this current generation, will invest in making the energy cheaper and cleaner. Overall, I think that the rich countries have done a decent job, I know that there is a ton of toxic companies, but I think there are more cleaner thinking companies too.

Look at the project in Spain that cost 300 Million euro's. I think that proved that solar storage works, and once someone knows it works, investors line up to fund it. So, in the future, we might see Spain, Greece, and Italy, providing the long term solar energy to most of Europe for daylight base loads. Got the same idea for Florida, Texas and Mississippi are doing the same for west of the Rockies daylight baseload.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

OK, Just read the Brooking's report. It validates everything I said. Specifically on the lending with 20% down. ( Which seems to be an unwritten rule, not a federal rule which must be abided by).
In reference to dismal profits...
If I'm a USA bank doing 100 billion in transactions @ 5%
And you're doing less even at a higher percentage rate.
I'll have you beat because the volume of transaction
NOT on the quality of the transactions.

From reading the report, the quality of the transaction from Canada seemed to be higher.
So again, I am validated, You rode out the storm, we hit the rocks.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

Just want to debunk 1 aspect of your statement : banking
It was not your over a regulated banking system that prevented the problem
It was good business sense. Your banking people offered lending at 1/2% or more
During the entire cycle (2002 to 2007) with requirements of 20% down.
This was un-competitive in the market, BUT was using good common sense in lending
So the crisis was a non-issue to most of the Canadian Banking portfolio holding.

I always like to clear this up, bad lending kills long term business, good common
Sense lending always earns less short term, but long term success is assured

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