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Comment Re:Move over USA, it's China's time to shine now.. (Score 5, Informative) 265

Most of our debt is owned not by foreign governments but by the federal government itself, mostly between the Fed and Social Security - we've been dumping surplus receipts from the payroll tax into T-bills for years.

Actual debt owned by foreign governments - combined - is only about a third of the total debt.

Comment The bane of fan made series - the acting (Score 3, Insightful) 106

I've watched a few of these fan made series - I have yet to find one that was actually watchable. The sets can be great, the lighting, the CGI effects - but what always kills these series is the acting. It's awful. Always. I have yet to find a fan series with passable acting. If they could get decent actors, they could use cardboard boxes for sets and it would at least be watchable.


Grinch Vulnerability Could Put a Hole In Your Linux Stocking 118

itwbennett writes In a blog post Tuesday, security service provider Alert Logic warned of a Linux vulnerability, named grinch after the well-known Dr. Seuss character, that could provide attackers with unfettered root access. The fundamental flaw resides in the Linux authorization system, which can inadvertently allow privilege escalation, granting a user full administrative access. Alert Logic warned that Grinch could be as severe as the Shellshock flaw that roiled the Internet in September. Update: 12/19 04:47 GMT by S : Reader deathcamaro points out that Red Hat and others say this is not a flaw at all, but expected behavior.

Comment Re:Is Nuclear going to be acknowledged? (Score 1) 652

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Depends on who you're killing with those bombs. Civilian deaths I have a problem with, but I have serious doubts on the civilian death toll numbers provided by our enemies. If we've killed thousands of militants to prevent them from killing, raping, or enslaving hundreds of thousands more, then so be it.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 2, Insightful) 485

Blame the following issues on Obama's amateur hour policies:

1. Isis - directly resulted from Obama's premature pullout in Iraq and subsequent flip-flop on intervening in Syria
2. Benghazi
3. Gridlock - if he hadn't rammed through his healthcare bill without compromising with Republicans, they'd be much better at doing the political horse-trading it takes to work across party lines to get things done. By pushing it without any buy-in from the other party - something that has never been done for a law on this scale before - he inaugurated a new era of do-nothing politics. The Republicans have held a grudge ever since. Hopefully when Harry Reid is out of the Senate majority post next week, we'll finally get some bills to the White House, where they're sure to be vetoed. He's been protecting Obama for years, preventing him from taking a formal stance on so many bipartisan initiatives by preventing bills from coming to the senate floor for a vote. O's going to pay a political price for each veto, I'm sure.
4. Mexican drug cartels invading Texas and Arizona
5. Russia's return to cold war stance, thousands dead in Ukraine
6. China's emergence as a belligerent military power in the pacific region
7. Botched diplomacy with China, Brazil, India, Russia, Europe, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on and on...

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

> American POS systems have no support for chip+pin

My new cards came with chips, and the POS systems that have been deployed to the stores I've visited in the last few months have readers. Chip+pin is coming to the US sooner than you anticipate.


Black Swan Author: Genetically Modified Organisms Risk Global Ruin 432

KentuckyFC writes It's 20 years since the FDA approved the Flavr Savr tomato for human consumption, the first genetically engineered food to gain this status. Today, roughly 85 per cent of corn and 90 per cent of soybeans produced in the US are genetically modified. So it's easy to imagine that the scientific debate over the safety of genetically modified organisms has been largely settled. Not for Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan and several academic colleagues who say that the risks have been vastly underestimated. They say that genetically modified organisms threaten harm on a global scale, both to ecosystems and to human health. That's different from many conventional risks that threaten harm on a local scale, like nuclear energy for example. They argue that this global threat means that the precautionary principle ought to be applied to severely limit the way genetically modified organisms can be used.

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