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Comment Re:My two cents... (Score 1) 89

It was not entirely clear. South West Terminal should have sought confirmation of Chris Achter's intent or meaning. This would have avoided the whole brouhaha. I will occasional send an email saying something like "For the avoidance of doubt xxxx".

However if SWT stood to gain by the sale (or the agent get a lot of commission) then they will see it as to their benefit to assume that it means "yes".

Comment Why is it worth anything at all ? (Score 1) 68

I fail to see why people want to buy it in the first place. Yes: there is a certain value in rarity ... but so what, are people just betting that some mugs in the future will be willing to spend even more real currency on it and that they will be able to cash out ?

Maybe I just have the wrong mindset - I have never been interesting in gambling.

Comment Re:No problem (Score 1) 68

my membership runs out in two months, in Australia its going up from $59.00 per annum (to date no ads) to $79.00 per annum (with ads)

If you have paid for annual membership then they should not be allowed to change the terms until after renewal time. However there is prolly some clause buried deep in the T&Cs agreement that allows them to do almost anything -- that is part of the trouble with these "agreements" they are entirely one sided.

Submission + - Ring video doorbell customers angry at 43% price hike (

Alain Williams writes: Users of Ring video doorbells have reacted angrily to a huge price hike being introduced in March.

After buying the devices, customers can pay a subscription to store footage on the cloud, download clips and get discounted products.
That subscription is going up 43%, from £34.99 to £49.99 per device, per year, for basic plan customers.

The firm, which is owned by Amazon, insisted it still provided "some of the best value in the industry."
Its customers appear not to to agree.

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