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Comment Re:App? (Score 1) 253

Regarding the accessory socket: Depends on the car. And some cars give you the option of behaving in either way.

My CTS actually has a fuse in the fuse box that serves as a jumper between two positions. In the first position, the socket is as you describe that you expect it: On only when the key is in the "run" position. In the other position, the socket is on continuously, only switching off when the key moves to the "start" position (to protect against surges).

The car also has battery rundown protection, but I don't know the details of this. All I know is that it occasionally turns to dome light off when I leave it on the "on" position overnight, presumably when the battery reached a certain threshold. I don't see any reason it couldn't govern the accessory socket in the same way, but I do not know if it does.


Child Gets Nintendo 3DS Full of Porn For Christmas 370

dotarray writes "One Colorado family received more than they'd bargained for this Christmas when they gave five-year-old Braydon Giles a pre-owned Nintendo 3DS that apparently still contained 'graphic images' from a previous owner. From the article: 'Refurbishing is an art, as well as a craft. The whole point is to make a gadget feel pristine, even when it used to be owned by a cult leader, a scout leader or an exhibitionist. Sadly, someone in a Colorado GameStop stopped refurbishing before the job was complete. So much so that 5-year-old Braydon Giles opened his Xmas gift — a Nintendo 3DS — and discovered images of naked people doing less than pristine things. As Channel 9 News tells it, Braydon showed the 3DS to his brother Bryton. He wanted his help to remove these weird pictures. '"

Brain Disease Found In NFL Players 271

A reader sends this excerpt from ABC: "On the heels of the latest NFL suicide, researchers announced today that 34 NFL players whose brains were studied suffered from CTE, a degenerative brain disease brought on by repeated hits to the head that results in confusion, depression and, eventually, dementia. The study was released just days after the murder-suicide of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher. It's not yet known what triggered Belcher's action, but they mirror other NFL players who have committed suicide. Researchers at Boston University's Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy published the largest case series study of CTE to date (abstract), according to the center. Of the 85 brains donated by the families of deceased veterans and athletes with histories of repeated head trauma, they found CTE in 68 of them. Of those, 34 were professional football players, nine others played college football and six played only high school football. Of the 35 professional football players' brains donated, only one had no evidence of the disease, according to the study." It's a good thing we protect our youth from conditions like this.

Comment Procedurally generated cliches... (Score 1) 181

This drives me crazy.

First, everyone tells me this about being a game dev. Everyone. Oh, and how it's not glamorous and some companies (read: most of them) treat you poorly.
But once a week, we get a "what nobody tells you" about game devs article here or on Extra Credits or the Escapist or wherever.

Stop it.

Second, there is nothing interesting about procedurally generated anything any more. Diablo did this. The first one. In 1996. It can be a nice feature, but it's not noteworthy any more. The move from sprites to polygons was noteworthy for early titles like StarFox. But nobody is putting "polygon-based graphics" stickers on their game boxes today.

Comment Re:Who gives a fuck? (Score 1) 215

If someone praises a product that has been hammered by review after review it's likely a paid marketing attempt.

Or it's likely a differing opinion. As someone who enjoys (some) Microsoft products, and occasionally defends that position here on Slashdot, the whole "shill" thing gets tiresome.

If someone praises a product within seconds of a new story being posted they are either the world's fastest typist or they are copy and pasting something.

This is fair. If it's happening. I read Slashdot daily, and either these are getting moderated down to -1 SUPER quick (I read at 0) or it's not happening enough for me to notice. Can you link to examples?

The Microsoft astroturfers are all over slashdot and we all know it, but as you point out not everything pro Microsoft is a paid astroturfer.

No, I don't think we all know it. I see this idea parroted a lot. I don't see examples cited, other than people saying "Hey OneNote is pretty good! You should give it a chance!" followed by ten replies calling the poster an astroturfer.

It gets really old and frankly is embarrassing to watch.


Hostess To Close; No More Twinkies 674

RenderSeven writes "In a press release issued today, baker Hostess Brands asked a bankruptcy court for permission to close all of its plants and sell off their assets, immediately laying off 18,500 workers. Citing high labor and rising health care costs, increasing competition and growing consumer awareness of healthy foods, Hostess says it can no longer operate without union concessions. A crippling strike has already shut down operations at all facilities, and while the Teamsters Union has ratified a new contract to keep Hostess in business, the Bakers Union has refused saying they would rather see the company closed than accept pension cuts. The Teamsters union is urging the bakers union to hold a secret ballot on whether to continue striking; citing its financial experts who had access to the company's books, the Teamsters say that Hostess' warning of liquidation is 'not an empty threat or a negotiating tactic' but a certain outcome if workers keep striking. If your late-night programming is fueled by Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Zingers, better stock up now." [Editor's note: A whole bunch of users submitted this news. I worry about our readership's cholesterol levels.]

Crooks Steal $1.5M In iPads From JFK 144

alphadogg writes "A pair of brazen crooks punched another hole in the lax JFK security when they stole a trove of new Apple iPad minis — worth $1.5 million — from the same cargo building that was the site of the 1978 Lufthansa heist featured in GoodFellas, according to the New York Post. The crooks struck shortly before midnight on Monday and used one of the airport's own forklifts to load two pallets of the tablet computers into a truck, according to law-enforcement sources. It's been a crazy year for iPad/iPhone thefts in New York City and elsewhere."

Comment Re:Smile! (Score 1) 265

Um... use your head. You fill out forms when you get a license. Logically you would "sign up for that" when you fill out the form, or you'd just not be able to get a license.

It's possible they've overlooked it, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Comment Re:Can you kindly stop regurgitating bullshit ? (Score 1) 680

You're a moron.

I don't even know where to begin...

1) Why on earth would you pick Qatar of all places? They have a population of 1.9 Million. I live within an hour of at least two cities that are larger than that. You then compare it to all of the United States? Really?
2) GDP per capita is a terrible measure of poverty. If you've got unequal income distribution (lots of poor, and some super rich) it skews the numbers.
3) Qatar has fantastically low violence. Like lower than the United States. Even though GDP per capita isn't the best metric to use, Qatar is still a very well off country. The unemployment is low (1.5%!!!), poverty is low, literacy rate is on par with western nations, higher education rates are high, etc. And you know what? Their murder rate is half that of the United States.

Now I bet if we went through all the majority Muslim nations one by one, we'd find exceptions - nations where the populace is relatively well off and educated that are more violent than other nations that are poorer (Muslim or non-Muslim majority),

But I also bet that if we ranked all the nations in order that violence and other social ills would largely trend with some other metrics (unemployment, median income vs. cost of living, education, literacy). I further bet that the Muslim nations on this list would *mostly* cluster with nations that are statistically similar to themselves.

Does culture matter? Absolutely. Look at the violent crime rates in the U.S. vs. Japan or Germany, three nations who have very similar makeups on paper.

But my point is that culture goes *way* further than just religion. Stop being obtuse, or stop trolling. I can't tell which one you're doing.

Comment Re:GODDAMN FUCKING BULLSHIT ! (Score 1) 680

Where were the moderate Christians when Christian extremists bombed abortion clinics and shot staff members?

I'll grant you that there are probably more violent extremists who would cite their motivation as Islam than there are violent extremists who would cite Christianity as their motivating force. But so what? That still doesn't put the blame on the rest of the Muslims.

The fact is that there were no U.S. security forces there. The consulate was defended by and the mob was engaged with deadly force by Libyan security forces. Early reports indicate that when it became clear that the mob was overrunning the consulate, a local Militia intervened and stepped in to defend the consulate. Many / most of these Libyans were likely Muslims themselves.

Today, there were rallies in Egypt and Libya of people expressing remorse for what happened. But I guess they must not be Muslims because they weren't violent and because they denounced the violence. Funny that.

To answer your questions:

How many of them did you see spoke out against the beheading of non-moslems, carried out by their moslem brethren, in the name of Islam?

Every single Muslim I know. Every. Single. One. To say nothing of Muslim politicians and prominent leaders speaking out in more prominent venues than my living room or office.

were those so-called "moderate moslems" when the Madrid Train Stations got bombed?

There are 1.1 Million Muslims in Spain. 29 individuals were charged in involvements in the Madrid train bombings. While I'm sure there are other violent crimes that have been committed in that population of 1.1 million, am I to believe that the vast bulk of them are what? Biding their time? Waiting for the right moment to detonate their suicide vests that they've all been issued at the local mosque / radicalization center? Wow! Spain is a ticking time bomb!

Did we see any of those "moderate moslems" spoke out against the bombing of the London subway system?

Why yes we did see moderate Muslims speak out after the 7/7 bombings. In fact, 500 of their religious leaders in the U.K. issued a Fatwa condemning the bombings.

Do you know that them moslems beheaded little kids in southern Thailand, just because their parents were (the parents were butchered as well) non-moslems?

Did you know that Patriotic Resistance Force in Ituri (a group that indentifies itself as a Christian militia) has committed genocide, kept prisoners locked in rooms that were essentially mass graves, kept women and children as sex slaves, and engaged in conscription of child soldiers? Does this mean all Christians are vile? Or maybe just all African Christians? Maybe just Ugandan Christians? I'm sure we can find a sweeping bigoted generalization you can agree with!

You should be modded down as a troll, because you are a troll.

There are bad Muslims in the world. Congratulations for figuring that bit out.

But guess what? If there are a million Muslims in an area and 100 of them go on a killing spree, guess which group gets news coverage?

Nobody is apologizing for anything. We're trying to make sure bigots and morons understand that a couple billion people aren't responsible for the actions of a few.

Comment Re:So what's the big deal? (Score 1) 836

No, but the narrative is that he's not just successful, but a ruthless plutocrat. The narrative (true or not) is that he's not just successful, but he'll do anything to make a buck, moral or not.

The tax question goes to the question of did he take every slimeball loophole possible, or did he file as intended by the spirit of the law? His father made a very public point of doing the latter.

It's widely known that George Romney released 12 years of taxes. What's not as widely known is that when he did, he released it to a journalist with Look magazine. When he did, the folks that poured over his returns noticed something:

"Auditors notice two unusual facts in these returns. First, the Romneys have never made much use of tax loopholes, such as depletion allowances, that are taken for granted by most people who reach their bracket. Second, over the 12-year period, they have donated an average of 19 percent of each year's adjusted gross income to their church."

The question isn't does Mitt Romney do anything illegal (though the Dems would love it if he did), the question is do his tax returns make him look unethical?

Comment Re:Hey now, (Score 5, Insightful) 503

I'll grant you that although the OJ Simpson saga should have been just tabloid fodder, because of his celebrity it was widely covered by legit media.

But story of the year? Story of the decade? Are you insane?

Just that year, we had the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact with Jupiter. Clinton signed the Assault Weapons Ban, and the Kremlin accords. Arafat got the Nobel Peace Prize. Nixon died. The Yugoslav wars were in full swing, THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE OCCURRED. Apartheid ended and Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa.

So seriously, this was the biggest news of the 1990s? The same decade that had the gulf war, Bill Clinton elected twice, and then impeached, the rise of the world wide web, (speaking of which, Netscape was 1994 also), the Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine massacre, Branch Davidian Compound, Rodney King Beating and subsequent LA riots...

Yes, the media oversold the importance of the OJ Simpson story. Please don't perpetuate that today.

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