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Comment Re:Helium Leaks (Score 1) 297

That's not entirely accurate. While that's true for systems where the pressure is equal and they can exchange particles of one for particles of the other, it isn't for the situation he's describing. If it was built so only helium would leak, it would leak out until the pressure of the drive was equalized to the atmosphere, not the concentration. If it equalized concentration in this sort of system, it would end up with a near vacuum inside the drive. In practice, that's not how it happens.

Comment Re:Chemical Weapons Suck (Score 1) 659

I must say that I admire your consistency. I may not agree with you on this topic, but it's nice to see someone who will support the actions he would agree with, independent of the President's affiliation. It's good to know people like that still exist. If I had mod points, I'd give you one.

Comment Re:Chemical Weapons Suck (Score 1) 659

The problem with this line of thinking is: if you're already terrible enough to use chemical weapons on innocents, a few bombings most likely won't discourage you much. Most likely, all bombing them would do is kill more innocents and give Russia an excuse to declare war (which will result in more innocent deaths). Does it seem like such a good idea now?

Comment Re:How'd the government know what they were Googli (Score 0) 923

That's absolutely correct, but it doesn't make it the subject. Hitting the dog is not a full sentence. You're hitting the dog is. In this case, you is the subject, the dog is the object. Similarly, begging the question is not a sentence. It is begging the question is. It is the subject, the question is the object and would need to be not inanimate to work.

Comment Texas... (Score 1) 213

Do a search for my name, and all I get are high-school/college athletes down in Texas (and a few online profiles that aren't me because I don't use my real name...). For my first name, you'd probably say you've never met anybody with that name before, but it's apparently very popular in Texas. As for my last name... It's Smith... Good luck.

Comment Re:Not sure which side I'm on (Score 1) 301

How about somewhere in between? Negotiate year one royalties and then every its played after that sees diminishing royalties until it's finally zero? That way, it keeps companies like Spotify honest, and keeps artists from being able to ride the gravy train on something they did 20+ years ago.

Comment Re:Time is... limited (Score 1) 572

Interestingly enough, you've actually given the kind of information IT wants when solving your problem. Saying something like that can actually get the ball rolling without the end user needing any real knowledge. Saying "Word doesn't work" doesn't help anybody and just makes everybody frustrated.

Comment Re:Can't have it all. (Score 1) 622

Fuck my country. Fuck the IDEA of county. My country (like all countries that I know of), is run by people. People are stupid, greedy, self-centered and any other description you care to name. I don't want to give the PEOPLE that run my country any more power over me and the other PEOPLE that inhabit this country than I have to.

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