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Comment Re:Free State Project (Score 4, Interesting) 260

As the submitter of the story, I just want to make 3 points:

1. Seth Cohn is a prime sponsor of the bill, and a fairly hardcore slashdotter. J'raxis is, like myself, an emeritus Director of Research for the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance... and a fairly hardcore slashdotter.
Q: What happens when the geeks rule? A: New Hampshire, baby!

2. I learned about the Free State Project right here on slashdot, back in 2003. How cool is that?

3. This is for real. This is not just web slacktivism. This is people taking back control of the government. AND IT'S HAPPENING. If you have a vaguely libertarian bone in your body, you really do owe it to yourself to see what's going on in New Hampshire.
I'd strongly recommend coming to the NH Liberty Forum. People come every year, and after the experience, go back to their home states. Just long enough... to pack!

Submission + - New Hampshire passes "Open Source bill" (nhliberty.org)

Plugh writes: "In a victory for transparency & openness in government, and saving tax dollars, New Hampshire has passed HB418. State agencies are now required by law to consider open source software when acquiring software, and to promote the use of open data formats."

Comment Re:Septins are to Antibiotics as IPv6 is to IPv4 (Score 1) 73

Quoth AC:
Government is bad, blah blah blah. Nevermind that governments are responsible for much of this fundamental research. Through public schools, public institutions and grants. Blah blah blah, shut up

For everyone who fundamentally disagrees with this person, don't bother debating him on the internet.
Join the rest of us in Real Life.
We're here, waiting to welcome you HOME

Comment Re:The CIA's astroturfing department (Score 1) 110

Getting myself elected seems contradictory to trying to "overthrow" it, don't you think? Long-term, I'd like it to whither on the vine and die. Nullification, followed by secession, OTOH, I'm pushing for rather strongly. Are either of those "overthrow"? 'cause we're making a lot of progress with the former, so how far off can the latter be...?

Comment Re:The CIA's astroturfing department (Score 2) 110

As an anarchist, elected official, and member of a vaguely anti-government group, I've often wondered how big the dossier is on me. Either it's large, in which case it documents a whole lot of perfectly legal stuff I'm doing and is just a waste of bureaucrats' time, or it's small or nonexistent, in which case the bureaucrats are fail for missing a guy who you'd think would be on the list.

Comment Re:Could psychohistory be the answer? (Score 1) 676

Somebody mod the parent up. Schiff's predictions have been pretty much dead-on. "Economists" don't always make bad predictions; economists whose theories are based on the flawed "Keynsian" and "Chicago-school" models generally make bad predictions. Disclaimer; I've invested based on Schiff's projections and made a hell of a great return over the past 3 years.

Comment Re:FSP == Libertarian Heaven (Score 1) 515

Many NH residents are welcoming us with open arms -- here is a radio program featuring 2 Free-Staters and a NH native. I personally was elected Selectman of my town; another free-stater had previously held that position. Both of us were well-known as Free-Staters before being elected. Over a dozen Free-Staters have been elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

Comment Re:So now we're down to catching the nutcases (Score 1) 515

The FSP is not a secessionist movement -- it is a "big tent" for anyone interested in a government whose maximum role is the protection of life, liberty, and property. What that means in practice is up to each participant to pursue. The idea is simply to pursue all such strategies in a concentrated geographical location, where such efforts may actually bear fruit.

However, if secession is your thing:

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